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"Lexa, it's not you, people die, that's life. But the people you love don't die because they love you, they just do. " Clarke told her.

"When you say it like that, I almost believe it" Lexa smiled, the sky was the same color as Clarke's eyes.
Clarke looked down at the beautiful girl laying in a pile of pillows. Smiling at the leaf that somehow found itself in her hair. The image slightly taking her breath away. She was infatuated with the girl who always spoke of sadness. She was infatuated with the girl who held the entire forest in her eyes.
"I could see myself loving you, I could see it so well, i'm scared I already am." Clarke spoke softly. Lexa's eyes flickered from the sky above to the sky in Clarke's eyes. And that's when she knew. She knew despite her doubts, Clarke was a fighter. She knew she wanted fight for Clarke's love, she knew that when push came to shove Clarke would fight for them. And that's how she passed Lexa's test.
Lexa sat up, grabbing both of Clarke's hands in hers, looking into her eyes. Determined.
"Clarke I like you a lot, I want to start something with you but I need for us to try our best to not let each other down, and for us to be honest with each other" Lexa spoke with confidence. Clarke could hardly contain the smile that spilled onto her face.
"Lexa I like you a lot, I want to start something with you. But I need us to not give up on each other. I need is to believe in each other." Clarke mirrored Lexa's words and added her own little guidelines.
Even in her dreams she was disappointed, they both broke their own rules, Lexa wasn't honest with Clarke, let alone the world. She let her down when she refused to come out. Clarke gave up on them, and didn't believe in her.. But Lexa didn't blame her. She would give up on herself too.
Lexa woke to a nudge on her shoulder, after coming home from the little breakfast with Clarke, she had somehow fallen asleep on the couch. She was emotionally drained, and there was Octaven ready to drain her a little bit more.

She shifter to cover her face with a pillow but that only earned her a smack in the back of the head. "I want details, Jasper saw Clexa at the tick tock diner" Raven shook her even harsher.

Lexa groaned knowing Raven wasn't going to let it go. "Raven stop being a dick let her sleep"
Octavia said from the kitchen.

Lexa opened her eyes just as Raven turned around to glare at her girlfriend. "You were the one who bugged me to get details don't act all innocent in front of her"

"We're friends, that's it's.. We agreed to be civil. " Lexa told them both as she stood from her spot on the couch and went to walk up the steps.

"So you both agreed to this?" Octavia asked Lexa, who couldn't believe the words leaving her mouth either.

"Yeah, after she woke up that morning and caught me trying to leave, we got breakfast and she sat me down and told me maybe we rushed the relationship and we needed to be friends first" she said tiredly. She wanted to get back to her dream, as bad as that sounds, she was happy there.
"I don't think that's such a good idea lex" Octavia spoke up. For the first time in a while, having an opinion on this to Lexa's face.

"And why is that?" Raven answered for Lexa, this was the first time she was hearing about her not wanting Clarke and Lexa to be friends, and was confused because lately that's what she expected her to want. "No I don't mean it like that I just- that's a lot of pent up tension.. You guys barely brushed on the the fact that you both have something to do with it. I wouldn't want things to end badly between you two" Octavia explained. Lexa really didn't wish to hear it though. Not right now.

"Well it's a good thing you don't have to think about it isn't it" Lexa responded and began to make her way up the steps again but was stopped by Ravens voice this time.

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