3rd parties.

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(A/N:I absolutely love getting comments from you guys. I know I broke your hearts in the first chap without a good explanation, but I hope this shows you a little bit of what their relationship was like those 4 months)

There's seriously something wrong with the both of you if you think we're gonna just let you break up like that" Octavia paced around her apartment. She's dragged both Lexa and Clarke for an intervention. Raven thought she should just leave it alone but she couldn't. Not when both her friends where being so unreasonable.

"Guys she's right.. You shouldn't be ruining your relationship over this. Lexa won't be in the closet forever .. Right?" Raven addressed both girl who were seated a opposite sides of the room.

"I guess I will now" she crossed her arms over her chest stubbornly. "Lexa! Stop being immature. Tell Clarke what you told me" Octavia butted in and Lexa shook her head. This time it was Raven who eyed Octavia with a solidified glare. "Why don't you deal with your mute bff and I'll deal with my 'immature' one" Raven took a hold of Lexa's arm.

From separate rooms on different sides of the apartment. Both Clarke and Lexa with their corespondent Best mates.

"The fuck, dude... I've never seen you like this. As much as I hate to side with Octavia on this one, you are being kind of childish" Raven sat on the floor in front of her best friend on the floor.

"There's nothing to talk about, she gave up on us, I never should have let it happen. End of story. I'm not fixing it" Lexa waved Raven off and laid back on the bed.

"Besides its not like I've been slaving away at a book for 5 months, dedicating it to her and making it about how she saved me and all, nah definitely not doing that. It's not like I begged her to give me a little bit more time to release the secret that's been eating me alive for years.. It's not like I changed for her or anything"
Lexa babbled sarcastically.

"You wrote the book about her?" Ravens eyes were wide. This was the closure Lexa needed with Costia. And she was just about to get it. But her and Clarke couldn't communicate for the life of them. And that was mostly because they both had such deeply rooted issues and insecurities that they felt like they had to 'act normal' around each other and tip toe around subjects, never truly delving into emotional topics or things that concern them. They were so completely infatuated with each other they brushed their problems off to the side hoping their relationship would cure all. They were both so worried about getting hurt by one another that as soon as it looked like it was going to happen they both hit the ground running. Lexa put her defenses up and Clarke pushed her away. Those 4 months where basically full of emotional buildup and someone was bound to break.

"Yeah.. It was a stupid idea.. I should have known it wouldn't last and I definitely shouldn't of gotten involved with her I'm the first place.. I'm her boss- and it's gonna be awkward on set an-"

"Lexa st-stop! You don't need to make any excuses for why it ended or any of that. Behind closed doors you both are amazing to each other. I think it's ultimately the pressure of everyone else moving on with their lives, that has you both so set on comparing your relationship to public ones when in reality you work.. You both work very well and you love each other." Raven placed her hand on her thigh comfortingly. "Don't give up on it"

"I didn't, she did"
"Clarke you have to stop this. You've been doing this you're whole life. Pushing people away and not giving them a chan-" Octavia paced in the room. She wanted so badly to tell Clarke Lexa planned to tell the world. She just needed to give her a little bit more time.

"I'm not gonna sit here and be someone else's secret.. Finn had enough secrets. I won't fall into that" Clarke said passively. As if she didn't care but Octavia knew better.

"Finn is dead Clarke. To you.. To me.. And he's also literally dead. So stop making excuses" Octavia bit her tongue. She kept one secret for Raven now she was being made to keep another from her best friend. Yes this one was less harmful, it just brought out the side of her that wanted to fix everything. But she knew that she needed to let them figure it out, she needed to let Lexa clean up her mess, she needed to let Clarke woman up and face her problems.

"If she truly wanted anything to do with me she would have tried to stop be but she didn't .. So I guess it's over" Clarke unlocked her phone, and started scrolling.

"Clarke she's -.. She's a complicated girl.. You know how her past relationship worked out and you know that she's not very savvy in the works.. So what if she didn't immediately react to your breakup declaration. She cares Clarke!" Octavia babbled on but Clarke seemed to not care. Octavia snatched the phone from Clarke's hand catching a glimpse of who she was texting.

"Bellamy? Really.. You think that helps your case?" Octavia clicked the phone off and slipped it into her back pocket.

"I just really can't believe you tricked me into being here I told you I didn't wanna deal with it yet" Clarke defended her self.

"That's the thing! You never do.. But no of course change the subject Clarke.. Let's not talk about how every time there's a problem and I try to get you out of it you always block me out and run to my brother" O said as she crouched down to Clarke's level as she sat on the bed.

"Maybe because he has enough of his own mistakes to know not to judge me" Clarke challenged her as they starred at eye level.

Seconds of silence passed between both girls, such fierce individuals for best friends traditionally doesn't work but both girl tired easy.
"I don't wanna fight, but you need to understand that you're habits are gonna cause you to loose all the good things you've got" Octavia straightened her back and walked towards the door.

She glanced once more at Clarke just as she dropped the whole tough girl act. Her hands dropped in front of her and her shoulders slumped. She played with the end of a bracelet Lexa got her. Her eyes softened at the little acting charm on the end. "I fucked things up between us didn't I. 5 years hiding who you are from everyone and I expect you to get over it in 4 months" she chuckled sadly.

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