Flowers and Pool parties.

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(A/N: Jason just blocked me on Twitter, I feel so satisfied, but I'll be updating both fanfics as a consolation prize.. Cause we were disappointed  pretty bad the other night. I love you guys, stay strong.)

Lexa placed all the food she worked hard on making on plates. Making sure everything was perfect. Putting 3 waffles on each plate, with a spoonful of fresh fruit and some eggs and bacon on the side. Her and Clarke had just woken up from a long night of love making and Lexa was feeling so happy it burst out of every pore in her body. She woke up singing and humming, skipping around the house and being a complete idiot.

"Mysterious as the dark side of the moooooooon" Lexa sang as she placed everything on a tray, a chuckle broke her out of her song.

"I didn't know mulan, was your song for the morning" Clarke smiled as she leaned against the frame of the hallway, a white bed sheet wrapped around her body.

"It is when I'm happy" Lexa crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against the kitchen counter.

"Where are your manners Griffin. These lips are waiting" Lexa added, Puckering her lips and wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

"Ohh you naughty girl, which set?" Clarke licked her lips and rose a brow as she walked closer to Lexa.

"You're gross" Lexa laughed and extended her arms to grip Clarke's waist.

"That's not what you said last night, I remember you speaking a very different language last night actually.. 'Jok ai Klark .. No ..daun' wonder what that mean eh" Clarke placed small kisses on the corners of her mouth.

"Whatever it was it sounded hot" Clarke leaned up and whispered in her ear.

"Fuck me, Clarke. No.. Down" Lexa translated.

"If you insist" Clarke delve into her neck and Lexa laughed. "No Clarke, that's what I said.. Last night"

"Mm that's hot. So are you saying you don't want me do go down" she winked.

Lexa shook her head "food first"
Lexa finished her pancake and fresh fruit meal and tried not to think about that day as she walked into the flower shop. Raven trailed behind her slowly.

Lexa delve into the different types of flowers, finding solace in them. She picked different color flowers, ones with different meanings, and different stems. Making the ideal bouquet she hoped would make her happy.

Lexa was humming as she walked around the shop, but something told her to look up. The owner of the shop sat at the cash register looking up at the TV on the corner of the wall. The older Hispanic lady raised the control to the tv, turning up the volume.

Clarke's face along with that of an unfamiliar girl was plastered over a trashy tmz type television show.

Clarke's face along with that of an unfamiliar girl was plastered over a trashy tmz type television show

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