No girlfriend club

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(A/N: Im sorry I haven't given this fic a little love. I've been taking some writing classes. But good news! I'm writing a holtzbert Fan fic (Jillian Holtzmann and Erin Gilbert) in case anyone is also in that fandom. I love me some holtzy❤️also please nominate behind the lens for best fan fiction in the LGBT+ Wattys)

2 months ago

Clarke paced in the outer waiting area of the dressing room, they were going to a gala event to promote the show and shed just picked out the most adorable jumpsuit for Lexa to wear, and the girl was taking her sweet ass time in the dressing room.

"You alright in there Hun?" Clarke asked after she heard grunts. "Babe this is really complicated and I'm actually stuck" Lexa said, sounding like she had a wad of fabric in her mouth.
"Unlock the door sweatpea" Clarke stifled a laugh.
The writer groaned, her hands were basically pinned to awkward parts of her body, seeing as the jumpsuit had straps that were tangled, withholding her movements. "C-Clarke I can't do that.. " she shimmied her hips around trying to loosen the jumpsuits hold.
"Why what's wrong?" Clarke pressed her hands on the door so that she could hear her better and only heard small squeaks and steps in different directions.

"Im getting dizzy and I reallly can't move my arms" she whisper-yelled. Clarke couldn't help let out a string of laugher. "I'll be right there! Try to stand still"

she stepped back and tried to hit the door with her side but she just bounced back. "Oh fuck!" She rubbed her elbow.. she scanned the door and noticed the abnormally huge spacing between the floor and the door and got the bright idea. She crouched down just as an employee walking into the area carrying a rack of clothes.

"Excuse me ma'am that's not .. um, legal?" The worker said, slightly panicked. "Oh! No my girlfriends totally in there.. " Clarke wiggled into the space and heard the girl mumble an "oh okay" and continued on her route to collect the clothes the horrible costumers left on the floor.

As Clarke finally stood up and came face to face with the mess that was Lexa woods. "Hey sexy? Come here often.." Lexa said through the material, and Clarke tried really hard not to howl in laughter she really did. But Lexa with her nipples practically popping out of the jumpsuit, the different straps going in awkward directions and her eyes indefinitely covered, it looked like a naughty Adam and Eve commercial.

Clarke's laughter prevailed even after the managed to break her girlfriend free. "This is the best day ever.." she said as her laughter died down and she realized her girlfriend was standing in front of her.. naked and her vision blurred slightly as her mouth neared Lexa's. Their lips smacked together and Lexa's legs buckled causing her to fall back onto the wall behind. Hands were everywhere, lips locked, Clarke felt the air getting thick. But there was no place she'd rather be.
Lexa sat in her office chair just as Titus walked into the room with a couple chicken quesadillas. "You seem down in the dumps, what happened, is there a vacancy in the no girlfriend club. Have you joined yet?" He dropped the food in front of her and plopped down on the comfortable chair directly across from her, occasionally sipping on his green drink.
Lexa placed her hand on her cheek, leaning on her arm and sighed. "Yeah, I was thinking about joining later today.. But I might have to cancel on my FRIEND" Lexa expressed dramatically. Titus looked at her questionably.
"She's asked to be friends?" He chuckled, barely knowing why he was surprised.
Lexa pushed the plate away from her and put her head down on the table groaning.
"And you definitely don't wanna be" Titus rose a brow and leaned towards her, intrigued  at the situation Lexa managed to get into.
"No.. No I mean it's fine. " Lexa covered up quickly. She wasn't necessarily upset about the situation she was in, at least they were on good terms and they talked on a regular basis.
"Do you remember Jacoby Reynolds" Titus questioned. Lexa tried to hide her shock that Titus was even bringing up that bastard.
"Yeah, the man that basically left you at the alter, stole all the money in your joint account and broke your heart entirely making you the asshole you are today.. yes Titus.. I remember Jacoby Reynolds" she grimaced, the memory of Titus pale as a ghost, reeling in the fact that he lost everything.. made Lexa's skin crawl.
"Well.. before we got engaged there was a moment where I wasn't sure if I wanted to be with him. We were never friends, we jumped into the relationship. At the time I didn't know it was because I was part of a big con. But still, I ask myself everyday if maybe he really would have fallen in love with me, or I would have known the love was never there." Titus smiled, remembering a couple years ago when he first started managing Lexa, how full of life he was. How much younger he was both physically and at heart.
"Anyways, my point is.. you never did the friendship part.. and that's why you feel you have do this. But I know you don't want to Lexa. And I just want to let you know that.. sometimes friendship is the most important part of a relationship" he said while caressing her hand gently and getting to leave the office. Also leaving Lexa alone with her thoughts.
Lexa swirled around in her chair after hours of Skype interviews and conferences. She was so sleepy , she felt the skin under her eyes begin to puff up with every time she rubbed the tired out of them.  As she waited for her next conference call with some producers in California, there was a soft knock on the door.

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