Wheres my dog?

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(A/N: The intro to L.I.F.E is up)

Clarke found Lexa sitting on a bus stop bench with a dog cuddled up to her, her car crashed against the bus stop pole. Her shoes where in her hands and she was soaking wet.

Clarke hopped out of the car and quickly removed her warm hoodie, shaking the girl awake. "Lex, I'm here". Lexa stirred gripping the dog and her shoes tighter till she finally opened her eyes.

"Look puppy its meanie, Clarke" she whispered rather loudly to the dog.

Clarke helped her sit up so she could slip the hoodie over her head. "Come on, let's get you in the car" Clarke took one of her arms and wrapped it around her shoulders.

"Ooh are we going on a ride in your mean car, meanie?.. Aden, Clarke broke up with me.. That's right boy. She dumped me" she swayed as they walked the short distance to the car.

"Because I wouldn't tell the world my secret.. Well you know what, clarkie?!" Lexa dramatically turned her head to face her.

"I was gonna. But now.. I'm not. Because your a mean, butthole!.." Lexa pouted. Clarke would have taken offense but the girl looked so cute all she could do was shove her in the car quickly so she could shut the door and laugh.

"I hear you laughing clarkie and I got bad news for you, remember that red velvet pancake I made you? WELL I DROPPED IT ON THE FLOOR AND YOU STILL ATE IT!" Lexa screamed through the window and that only caused for Clarke's laughter to increase.

Still not fully over Lexa's drunken mess Clarke dialed Ravens number, hoping the girl would take her out of her hands.

"Hey Clarke? What a surprise." Raven said dryly. She wasn't quite happy with the way Clarke was acting.

"Hey, uh.. I have Lexa. She's had a bit too much to drink. And I was wondering if you would maybe.. Possibly come pick her up" Clarke coughed up shyly. She had established a friendship with Raven in the past but it felt like that was all sort of blown away.

"Uh.. I'm really far away. I can't. But don't leave her by herself she does crazy shit when she's drunk" Raven lied. Lexa did some crazy stuff but not enough that she needed supervision.

"Uh, you think maybe her sisters available" Clarke asked Raven.

"No!.. I mean, Anya's pregnant. She can't" Raven said, she was really trying to make sure Clarke and Lexa stayed together tonight.

"Alright, I guess she can stay at mines. " Clarke said with a sigh. This would be both awkward and sad in the morning.

Clarke hung up and hopped into the car with Lexa, who had a smug look on her face.

"It feels good letting the truth out,about the pancake" Lexa smiled and pet the stray dog.

With every pat she looked a little bit more quilty.

"Okay maybe that wasn't the full truth. The pancake fell by accident" Lexa cleared up then she let out a long breath.

"It's alright lex, I'm not upset" Clarke smiled towards her drunk out of her mind ex girlfriend. The phrase 'ex' hurt her heart a little bit.

"Well you should be, the ground is very dirty Clarke. " Lexa said dramatically and matter-of-factly.

"You're right I'm repulsed" Clarke stifled a laughed.

No matter how dysfunctional it was, this was perfect.
Octavia paced back in forth in Raven and Lexa's house.

"Dude what are you even doing, they can't be like this now. They just broke up" Octavia told Raven as soon as she hung up. Even though she faced the opposite direction , Raven could picture her unimpressed face.

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