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Hello everyone! after careful thought and consideration i've decided to be completely honest with all of you and say I truly believed would finish this book and still do. But somehow along the way lost my sense of inspiration and happiness that came with writing. I went through many hardships that made it almost impossible for me to even get out of bed let alone put words together. But Im ready now. I've been neglecting both you guys and my own sanity. Writing was my escape and I always hoped to come back to these one day and today is the day. Im going to be completely transparent with you guys in saying that i will be making myself go through a bootcamp of the sort rewatching the 100 and making sense of my old notebook and the plot lines. Next week Sunday i will have a new chapter for you all. Thank you for your kind comments, FB messages and things of the sort. It helped me remember in my dark times people loved and cared for my work. And that somehow even insignificantly i still matter. I know I told i few of you soon and it's been actual years but this time I mean it. I need to remember how it felt to not overthink every single thing in my life because i had an outlet. Ive missed you guys and i've read every single comment you guys are the best <3

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