Chapter 8 - Forever until the day I die

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Chapter 8 - Forever until the day I die





I repeated the cycle over and over and over again as I lay there on my bed. I groaned and tried to shake my head clear of all the thoughts running wild in my head.

The sadness on Noah's face will probably be etched in my head forever until the day I die.

I heard a beeping noise coming from my phone. I rolled over and grabbed it. I read who it was from and frowned. It was from an Unknown Number.

Who could it be?

'Who is this?'  I typed.

A couple of seconds later, the person replied with 'Noah.'

My heart skipped a beat. No wait, actually, it stopped for a second, then restarted again. A billion questions were going around in my head. How did he get my number? What did he want? Was he going to guess that I was an agent? At the last thought, I sat up abruptly. No. No way. There is no way he would figure out that I'm an agent.

I looked at my phone and typed, 'What did you need?'

He instantly replied. It was as if he was just sitting there, waiting for my texts. 'Meet me in the park at 8. Don't be late.'

I was instantly confused. Why would he want to meet in the park. Nothing bad would happen right? Nah, I don't think so. I checked the time. It was 4. I had time to spare. My stomach growled and I chuckled a bit. Of course I would be hungry.

I walked out of my room and heard voices downstairs. Curiosity sparked inside of me, and I went downstairs to check it out. When I was downstairs, I heard the voices coming out of the kitchen, so I walked there and was greeted by the sight of Aiden, Natalie, Melissa, Jacob, and Brian. They looked like they were having fun and laughing.

The minute they saw me, their laughter died down and we were just standing there, looking at each other in silence. Natalie was leaning over the counter, Aiden was in the middle of drinking something, Brian's face was red from laughter, Melissa was on the floor, clutching her stomach, and Jacob was just sitting there, now with an awkward smile on his face.

I felt like I didn't belong. I felt like I was intruding. "Sorry guys. I'll just... go." I turned around and walked up the stairs while letting a few stray tears fall down my face.

Looks like they were doing fine without me. They all had each other while I had no one. Not one person at all. I let out a big sigh and entered my room. I fell face first onto my bed, and just let it all out. I cried for the loss of Natalie and my friends. I cried for the loss of my parents. I cried because I was a killer. I cried because I was all alone, with no one, not one single soul.


I must've fell asleep while crying because the next thing I knew, I was in the exact position I was the afternoon before. I looked at the time and saw that it was 7:50. I knew I was forgetting something, but I just couldn't remember what. I just sat on my bed, trying to remember what I forgot.

Then it hit me. I have to go meet Noah! But at what time again? I leaped for my phone and I quickly unlocked it. I went to my messages and saw that he wanted me to meet him at 8. It was 5 minutes till then!

I freaked and ran out of the house, not even noticing what I had on. I ran all the way to the park, without stopping once. When I got there, I looked all around for him, but I couldn't find him. I groaned in irritation. I ran all the way over here, and he's not even here!

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