Chapter 25 - First Dates

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Chapter 25 - First Dates

My head hurt like a bitch.

Aiden was cooking in the kitchen. And when I say cooking, I mean attempting to cook. That guys can't cook even if his life depended on it. All he was doing in the kitchen was making noise, hence, why my head hurts.

He kept on banging the pots and pans, and I started to wonder how he wasn't deaf already. I growled in annoyance and got up from my spot on the couch. "Aiden will you just shut up!" I yelled over the noise. The racket immediately stopped and I sighed in relief. "Thank God." I muttered. I walked into the kitchen and stood by him. "Aiden, how many times do we have to tell you this? You do not know how to cook. Stop trying." I said, making his eyes go wide in surprise. I sighed and walked away and into my room.

I laid flat on my back on the bed and closed my eyes. Today was a long day. I really need some rest. I felt myself drifting off and right when I was literally asleep, my door flew open and Natalie was at the door with Melissa at her side.

There was a big smile on her face, but it was immediately wiped off when she saw me. "Oh no Hannah. Please don't tell me that you forgot about your date tonight." She said.

Date? What date?

Oh shit.

I looked at the time and saw that it was 6:00. I was supposed to meet him at 7. I sighed in relief. Well I'm good. I thought it was like 6:45 or something. I flopped back onto the bed, only to be pulled back up by Melissa. "What do you think you're doing? Your date is in an hour! You need to get ready now!" She said. "Get up and take a shower! Hurry!" She instructed while pushing me to the restroom.

"Okay, okay I'm going. Jeez, don't get your panties in a twist." I grumbled and stripped from my clothing. I hopped into the shower, a frown etched onto my face. I was going to take a nap! That nap could've took away my migraine! I don't even need an hour to get ready. I can get ready in half an hour.

I barely started washing my face when one of the two barged into the restroom and started banging on the door. "Hurry up Hannah! You've already been in the shower for ten minutes!" She said, banging on the door, making my headache worse. My eyes shot open and I whipped my head to the door. "Sorry, sorry, I'll get out right no- ow!" I screamed in pain.

When I opened my eyes, the soap seeped into my eyes, making them burn. I hissed in pain and immediately started rubbing them, letting the water fall over them so that it would soothe the burning pain.

"What happened?" Natalie asked from outside the door. "I burned my eyes with soap." I mumbled.

"Oh. Well whatever, I thought it was something worse. Now get out before I open the door!"

I shut the water quickly before she could do that and I wrapped the towel around my body. "I'm done. Are you happy now?" I said, while pushing past her.

"Very." I heard her happy reply from behind me and I just rolled my eyes in response.

I walked into my room to see Melissa sitting on my bed on her phone, waiting for me to finish. When she heard me walk in, she jumped up and smiled. "Great, you're done! Now come here, we have a lot to do." I obeyed her and walked over to her. She pushed me down onto the chair and I yelped in surprise at the amount of force in her push.

She got started on my makeup while Natalie plugged in the straightener. She sat next to me and watched Melissa work on my face. Apparently, Melissa is amazing in the makeup department, and Natalie is a whiz when it comes to hair.

"Close your eyes." She demanded and I obeyed, closing them. I felt the cool liquid eyeliner glide against my eyelid and I patiently waited for her to finish so I would be able to open them again. "Open." She said, and I listened. She applied the eyeliner on the bottom also and when she was done, she stood up straight and capped the eyeliner.

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