Chapter 1 (Pic of Isabella)

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pic is Isabella

Chapter 1

          Someone bumped into me from behind. They steadied me without another word, and walked off. It was like they hadn’t seen me, at all. It wasn’t always like this. No, not at all. I was once the most popular person of the school. I had friends, a perfect boyfriend, good grades.. That all changed on that day.

           But that’s a story for a later time. I’ll tell you a little about me. My name’s Isabella Montie. I’ve got white-blonde hair, big baby blues. I know, I know. Your typical popular. Most populars look like me, or like I used to. My face used to be alive and cheerful, now it’s just a mope fest, with black circles under my eyes. I have to tell you, I feel sorry for myself sometimes, but I can’t help it. If you saw me, you would pity me, too.

            I have a brother and a sister. My brother, Michael, is twenty-two years old. I know, right  What an oldie. He’s going to get wrinkles soon. Nah, I’m just kidding. He’s got a really good job, working at a law firm. He even has his own house, and a wife, too. Last I heard from him, Freya- his wife- just had their child; a beautiful little girl. Michael tells me she looks just like me when I was her age, but I can’t seem to grasp that. I mean, a baby girl, looking like me? I don’t deserve to look like a tiny baby. They’re too cute.

          Then there’s my annoying sister. A year older than me, Carlie has always tried to out-do me. She’s one of the populars at school, but I try to ignore it. It’s not that she’s mean to me; she’s not. I love her, and she loves me, but I can’t help but think she might get the same fate I did. I can’t help but wonder if she’s going to fall like I did. She’s going to go to UConn for college, and I can’t help but feel a little intimidated. I mean, who wouldn’t? I’m just an annoying little sister. Who would like me, right?

           Anyway back to the present. Someone pushes me from the front. What do I do? Nothing. They say nothing. It’s like I’m not there. It kind of sucks the way no one notices me anymore. I walk to my locker slowly, looking around to make sure she’s not here. I sigh in relief when she’s not. I open my locker quickly, push my books in, and slam it shut, getting ready to take off, when someone pushes themselves up against me. 

            I closed my eyes instantly, thinking about another time, in another place. When nothing else happens, I open my eyes cautiously. It’s him. No, please, just go away.

     “Hey,” he said. “Want to go to my car for a quickie?”

     I shuddered, thinking about his sweaty hands on me again. “No, thank you,” I whispered. “I need to get home. My Mom will be worried about me.” He smirked. The hallways were almost empty, seeing as school ended fifteen minutes ago. 

           He moved closer, so I could feel his awful breath on my face. I closed my eyes and turned my face away. “Now, now,” he said. “Don’t be like that.” His arms instantly wrapped around my waist, and I felt almost as helpless as before.

     “Please,” I whispered, on the verge of tears. “Please, not again.” He gripped me tighter, almost on instinct. 

       “Excuse me!”

      He instantly let me go, moving away. I looked up to see none other than the queen of populars, Priscilla. She sashayed over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist, glaring at me fiercely.

     “In case you hadn’t noticed, bitch, he’s my boyfriend,” she said. She let go of his waist and stalked up to me. I cowered against the lockers. She laughed, cruel and mocking.

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