Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

        “What did you get me?” Damen asked, for about the millionth time. I rolled my eyes. “Who said I got you anything?” I said teasingly. “Well,” he said. “I would think my girlfriend would get me a Christmas present.” I fell silent. I’m his girlfriend? “Isabella?” he said. “Did I do something wrong?” I shook my head. “I’m your girlfriend?” I asked. He smiled, pulling up to my house. “Well, I never asked, but I thought we were,” he said.

       I looked out the window. He pulled my face to his. “Will you be my girlfriend?” he asked, staring into my eyes. Hell to the yes. “Yes, Damen,” I said, a bright smile coming over my face. He pulled me into a hug. “Thank God,” he whispered. I smiled, pulling back and pressing my lips on his softly. I pulled back quickly, because I could see Carlie and Michael pressing their faces against the window, trying to see what we’re doing.

       I smiled, ruffling Damen’s hair. “I’ll see you later,” I said. I pecked him on the cheek and hopped out of the car. “Bye, Isabella,” he said, right before I slammed the car door shut. I walked up to the house with a goofy smile on my face. Damen’s officially my boyfriend. I’m Damen’s girlfriend. Michael and Carlie were on me like gnats.

       “What just happened?” Michael demanded. “What did he say?” Carlie sighed. “Did he tell you he loves you yet?” she asked. I blushed, the smile falling off my face. “Car,” I said. “He doesn’t love me. At least, not as much as I do.” Michael slapped me on the back. “Let me tell you, Isabella,” he said. “Damen loves you so much it looks like he’s going to faint when he’s near you.” I laughed. “Yeah, right,” I said.

      Michael looked like he wanted to shake me, and Carlie looked like she was going to pass out. “Carlie?” I said. “Are you alright?” She looked at me with a huge smile. “My little sister’s in love,” she said softly. “And the guy actually loves her back. I’m going to die of how adorable that is.” I laughed. “Well, I’m going to my room,” I said. “Don’t peek; you don’t want to ruin the surprise.”


      Two days later, Damen and I went shopping. I got the rest of my presents, and a new skateboard for Alexis. Believe it or not, he loves to skateboard. “Damen,” I said. I knew Alexis and Damen went shopping yesterday. “What did you get me?” He laughed. “Now, if you didn’t tell me, why would I tell you?” I huffed. “Because you love me?” I said playfully. But he fell silent. Shit. “Sorry, Damen,” I said quietly. He cleared his throat to ease the tension, but it was still there.

        “So,” I said brightly, trying to get his to say something. “Um.. you’re coming over the day after Christmas, right?” He nodded. “If you want,” he said. I hugged him from behind. “Of course I do,” I whispered in his ear. “Why wouldn’t I?” I made sure to blow on his ear, and was satisfied when he shivered. “I’ll be there he said, and the moment was over.


     Before I fully knew it, Christmas was upon us. After falling asleep at an ungodly hour the day before, all I wanted to do was sleep. But Carlie took the liberty of jumping on me at seven in the morning. “Santa was here ” she bellowed. She’s eighteen, you’d think she would know Santa’s just your parents. I groaned and rolled over. She started jumping on my bed, narrowly missing my legs.

     I threw the covers off, rubbing my eyes. “Okay ” I said. “Okay  I’ll get up  Just get off my bed ” She smirked. “Let’s go, then,” she said. I followed her down to the tree. I squinted at it for a minute. It was sparkling and shining with so many different colors, it was almost blinding. Then I looked under the tree. Many presents were piled there. “Carlie,” I said. “Which ones are mine?”

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