Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

        “Devlish,” I whispered as he threw me into a car. He bound my hands, much tighter then Kellen did, and I heard a car door slam. I knew I couldn’t get away, so there was nothing I could do.

      We drove for about two hours. He turned on death metal about ten minutes into the drive, and I couldn’t help but to cringe. It really hurts my ears. Finally, after making me just about deaf, we stopped. “Are we there, yet?” I asked. I felt a sharp pressure at my cheek. He had just slapped me. I whimpered. I could feel the blood running down my face from his rings.

      “That’s right, bitch,” he snarled. “Shut up.” He grabbed me and flipped me over his shoulder, making sure to hit my head on the top of the car. He slammed the door and carried me in somewhere. “Hey, boys,” he called. “Look what I brought for you.” I heard footsteps and then a few gasps. “Whoa, she’s the prettiest one yet,” one masculine voice said. “Where did you find her?” He snarled, throwing me on the floor. I fell on my shoulder. I yelled out in pain as his foot connected with my ribs.

        “I found her sucking her boyfriend’s face off,” he snarled. The boys laughed. I think there’s four. “Don’t kill her yet,” Devlish said. “I want to get her boyfriend here do we can kill them together.” I whimpered. Someone’s foot, it wasn’t Devlish’s (don’t ask me how I know) connected with the other side of my rids. I stayed silent this time, not risking talking for another hit.

       Devlish chuckled. “That’s it,” he said. “She’s learning. She called the police on me, you know. Be extra rough with her for that. Just don’t kill her.”


    I don’t know how long I was there. Time seemed to slip by while I was in captivity. I’d like to say all they did was keep me in a room and taunt me, but, of course, that didn’t happen.

     Every day, or at least I thought it was every day, the boys would come in ‘my’ room and they would each.. rape me. I know you might think I’m used to it by now, but I don’t think you can really ever get used to being raped. Every time they would come in, I would try and hurt them, so they wouldn’t get to me, but since there were three of them, it was impossible.

      Even if I were to be saved, I don’t think Damen would want me anymore. Who would want a girl who’s been raped so many times you can’t even count? Who would want a used up, worn out girl like me? I thought I was doing good by having Damen in my life, helping me get out of that rut I had gotten into, but I really never changed. I’m the same. The same useless girl as freshman year, getting herself raped.

      One day (or night?) I heard a bang and my door was thrown open. I cowered against the headboard of my tiny bed. “No, please,” I pleaded. “Not again ” I heard a quiet sob. “Isabella?”

      I looked up from the bed sheets. Damen. I looked at him. He was staring at me with nothing but love and concern; worry and helplessness. I turned away from him. “Get out of here,” I said shakily. “I’m not worth it.” I heard him step closer. “Isabella,” he said. “It’s been a week and a half since I saw you. I’ve been so worried.” He took a step closer with a watery smile.

    I turned away from him. “Isabella?” he said, uncertain. I rolled over and looked at him. I moved my hand to gesture at the door. “Get out, Damen ” I shouted. “It’s a trap  They’re going to kill you  I am not worth it ” He took a step closer to me, shaking his head. “No, Isabella,” he said. “You are. You are worth it.”

      I started to cry. I didn’t stop to wonder how he got here, what took so long, or why no one else was with him, I just thought about how he wouldn’t want me. “Damen,” I said. “I’m disgusting. Five men have been raping me every day for the past week and a half. Don’t tell me you want me after that.” His smile faltered. I cried harder. “I’m a frail, weak, baby. You don’t need someone like me in your life  I’m just a letdown, a disgrace. I should just let them kill me.”

     Damen closed all the space from us. He kissed me hard, but I pulled away instantly. “Don’t, Dame,” I said. “It’s only going to be harder for you to let go. A week ago I let go. That’s when I realized you wouldn’t want me anymore. You don’t want me. I know it. I can see it in your eyes.” I really could. His eyes were filled with regret and disgust. Of me. I turned away from him. Even if I love him like no other, I can’t let him be with someone like me. I’m scum.

    “Isn’t that sweet,” Devlish’s voice came from the door. “Isabella’s giving up her dear, dear Damen so he could be with someone ‘better’. Well, let me tell you, Isabella. He’s not going to get someone better then you. That’s why I’m going to kill you before I kill him.”

     Damen snarled, lunging for him. “You sick bastard ” he screamed. “I can’t believe you let those men rape her every day ” Three of the men came from behind Devlish and restrained Damen against the wall, laughing as they did. I whimpered. Devlish stalked up to me. I held my head low, waiting for him to just get it over with and snap my neck. I sighed. I love you, Mom, Dad, Carlie, Michael, Freya and Ever. Goodbye, Alexis. I’ll miss you. ... I’ll see you soon, my love. I’ll see you in heaven, Damen. I’ll always love you know matter what.

      Devlish jerked my head up by my hair. I stayed silent, but tears sprang to my eyes. He took out a whip and whipped me twenty two times. I cried out in one, and that’s why I got an extra three. Seventeen whips. For every year I was born. I could feel hot blood seeping down my small frame, and I knew he wasn’t going to stop this time. Not until I was lying on the floor dead. “Isabella ” Damen cried, punching one of the men in the face. “No  Stop  Just kill me ” I looked over at him.

       “No ”  I said. “No, it’s better this way. They we’ll both be together.” Devlish smiled. “Oh, isn’t that suck a romantic thing to say,” he said, kicking me right where he whipped me. I grit my teeth as he whipped me fifteen more times. “Stop ” Damen screamed, still struggling against his captors. “You’re going to kill her ” Davlish chuckled. “That’s kinda the idea,” he said. “Lover boy.”

         Tears fell down my face from the pain. I heard scuffling coming from Damen’s corner and I knew he was going to hurt himself. “Damen ” I screamed. “Stop it  This was going to happen anyway  It isn’t worth trying to get out of.” I knew I would get more whips for it, but I had to say it.

       Davlish shook his head, giving me ten more whips. By this time, Damen had stopped struggling and was just slumped against the floor. “Isabella,” he whispered, over and over. Devlish glanced over at him. “Shut him up,” he said. “And make him watch.”

    I heard another scuffle and Damen shouted in pain. I winced. This time, Devis pulled out a knife. My eyes widened. Here it comes. He twirled the knife tauntingly over my head. I closed my eyes, but they shot open as the tip traced around my ear. “That’s it love,” he said, “Bleed. I love it when they bleed to death.” I mentally cringed. Ew. Like I needed to hear that.

    That’s when I heard it. The pounding of footsteps. Devlish looked up, glancing at the men. Then he snarled as the door was threw open and a SWAT team entered. “Step away from the girl and boy, and you won’t die,” one said. The other men instantly stepped away, but Devlish didn’t. “And what if I kill her first, huh?” he taunted. The man stayed silent.

    Devlish put the knife at my throat, pushing in a little. I gasped as it bit into my skin. The men watched as a drop of blood ran down my throat. “Just step away from the girl,” the man said, a little nervously. “And you won’t get hurt.” Devlish pressed in a little more. “What is I don’t want to?” he asked. “What if I-“

     I heard a crash and Devlish dropped to the floor. I glanced up and saw Damen holding the chair. He must’ve gotten around to it without anyone noticing and cracked it over his head. I smiled instantly. Damen just saved my and his life. And I know for sure it’s over now.

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