Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Just as Mom said, Damen was waiting outside the hospital for me. His eyes lit up to a bright blue as soon as he saw me. "You got your cast off!" he said. I nodded, biting my lip. He picked me up around the waist and swung me around laughing. But he sobered up quickly. "Are you alright?" he asked. "Did he hurt you?" I shook my head. "He was going to kill me, but he never got to it," I said. "He just hurt the others, even Ever."

Damen winced. "That bastard," he growled. I kissed his arm, right near his shoulder. "Damen," I said softly. "It’s done and over with. Don’t dwell on things you can’t change." I stroked his arm softly and he sighed, turning my face to look up at him. "You know, Isabella," he said huskily. "If you keep doing that, I’m going to do very bad things to you." I swallowed looking up into his now dark turquoise eyes. "What kinds of things?" I asked nervously.

He pulled me to the car. "I could tell you," he mused. "But I think it would be easier to show you." My heart stuttered and burst at his words. At least, that’s what it felt like.

"D-damen," I stuttered. "I thought you didn’t like me like that?" He pushed me roughly against the car. "Isabella," he said slowly. "How could you possibly still think that? After all I did to you, how could you still think I don’t like you like that?" He searched my eyes, looking for something. Permission to kiss me? Hell, he has it. He’s had it since the day I saw him.

He didn’t kiss me. He opened the door and pushed me in. I fell across the seat, but after a second of wallowing in embarrassment, I sat up straight and buckled in. "So," I said, acting like that never happened. "What are we going to do for the next few days?" Damen slid into the driver’s side. "I have a couple ideas," he said mystically. "I can think of a few right now, but I won’t tell you." He reached over and softly took my hand. I blushed.

I couldn’t take it anymore. "Damen, which is it?" I blurted. "Do you like me like that or not?" After saying this I blushed deeply. What kind of girl asks that? Apparently idiots like me.

I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye. "Isabella," he said. "I like you like that. I really like you like that." I blushed, turning my face away. He squeezed my hand. "Do you like me like that?" he asked. It took me a second to respond. I turned to him, smiling a little. I nodded. "Yeah," I said softly. "I do." His smile was blinding. He pulled up to his house and jumped out quickly, waiting for me.

I got out of the car and met Damen at his side. "So, Damen," I said mysteriously. "Whatcha gonna do?" He smirked. "Impatient, are we?" he said. "Just wait, Isabella. Be patient." He led me in the house, into the kitchen, and handed me a pear. I bit into it, watching him. "Want to sleep in my room again?" he asked, looking at me. I nodded slowly, trying not to look too enthusiastic.

He walked over to me as I finished the pear. "You have a little something... right there..." he said, moving his face close to mine. He licked the side of my chin so suddenly that I almost tripped over my own feet. I blushed. His eyes sparkled under the lights. "Um, I’m tired," I said. "I think it’s time for bed." I walked up the stairs, staying far away from Damen so he wouldn’t slap my butt.

"Dame!" I called. "You coming?" He came in the room with an alarmed look on his face. "Shh!" he said, putting his finger to my lips. "Desiree’s sleeping!" I nodded, feeling ashamed of myself. "Sorry," I whispered. He took off the shirt he was wearing at threw it at me. "Wear this," he said. I stared at it. It was a maroon shirt, nothing out of the ordinary, but he had just been wearing it.

"Get out so I can change," I said, pointing to the door. He smirked, but complied. I quickly changed and opened the door back up. "Damen," I whisper-yelled. "You can come back in."

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