Chapter 10 (Pic of Damen)

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pic is Damen

Chapter 10

           I woke up to the smell of cinnamon. A stream of sunlight was hitting me right in the eyes, so I moaned and pulled the blanket over them. “Wake up, sleepyhead ” Alexis sang. He took hold of the blanket, throwing it off me. I felt a little breeze and shivered. “Lex,” I groaned. “Give it back.” I felt around my feet with my eyes still closed. “Isabella ” he screamed, really close to my ear. My eyes flew open, and I fell off the couch. It didn’t hurt, but it surprised me. 

             “Alexis ” I scolded, looking up at him. He shrugged. “Time for school,” he said. I groaned again. “I don’t wanna,” I whined. He slapped my shoulder, and grabbed my hand, helping me get up. “Go take a shower, quick ” he said. “And get down here in ten minutes... go ” I looked at him for a second before running up the stairs and jumping in the shower. I did a quick wash, scrubbing my body, getting rid of all traces of Kellen.

            After getting dressed, I sped downstairs into the kitchen, watching Alexis bite into french toast. I gave him a puzzled look. “You eat like this every morning?” I asked. He swallowed, then laughed. “No,” he said. “I just made it for you. Though you could use a treat.” I smiled. “Thank you,” I said. I sat down and filled my plate with two slices of french toast and some strawberries. I took the syrup and drenched my french toast. Mmm.

             As I rammed my face, I watched Alexis eat. He was taking small bites, not like my huge ones at all. I swallowed and said, “Why do you take such small bites?” He reached forward and wiped a drop of syrup off my chin. “That’s why,” he said, chuckling. I blushed. “Thanks for pointing out I’m a slob,” I said sarcastically. He grinned, glancing behind me. “Whoa, this to go ” he said, jumping up and grabbing his bag. I jumped up and grabbed my own, before rubbing my mouth on a napkin. 

             I ran out the door, right behind Alexis, and jumped into his run-down Volkswagen. We sped off to school, listening to some pop music. I smiled, belting out a few words. Alexis soon joined me. He pulled up to his regular parking spot and we got out, me cautious of my cast. Only a week now until I get it off. I spotted Damen right away. He was staring at me with sadness and regret. I quickly looked away.

             Alexis looked in Damen’s direction, then back at me with a frown. “Don’t worry, Isabella,” he said. “We still have the video.” I stared at him for a second. Do we? Something Kellen had said clicked in my mind.  “You really think you can get rid of me that easy?” Do we still have that video? “Alexis,” I said slowly. “Where did you put the video?” He glanced down at me and smiled. “On my phone, why?” he said. “Get your phone out and check if you still have it,” I said, starting to panic a little. 

             He pulled his phone out, flipping it open and pressing a few buttons. “It’s right-“ He frowned. “Wait, where is it?” he said, his voice getting louder, more shrilly. “Where is it?” he asked again, furiously flipping through his phone. I nodded. I knew it. “Kellen deleted it,” I said. “When Percy invited him over.” Alexis grit his teeth, gripping the phone so hard, I thought he would crack it. I rubbed his arm. “Lex, calm down,” I said soothingly. “Calm down. We’ll find another way.” He nodded. “He’s really going to get it this time,” he ground out. I looked at the floor. A bell rang in the distance and my head shot up. “C’mon, we don’t want to be late,” I said.


        Later, at English, Mr. Jensen told us we had to start working on our projects. I moved to go by Damen, but he was going up to Mr. Jensen, asking him something. I gave them a puzzled look, but, as Damen walked out of the room, I wanted to cry. I put my head down, feeling the tears well up in my eyes. Is he that mad at me? Does he hate me now? Will he ever like me again? A few tears fell into my arms. I stared down at the desk, shadowed by my face. I really hate Kellen.

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