Ch. 22 Heart breakers for the bullies

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           “Lexis,” The demon hauntingly whispers into my ear. His voice was tugging right deep through my chest and into my soul. Pulling it out as if it belonged to the demon... He’s charming smile lurked evil within. He slides closer and stabs me at the top of my shoulder.

           “Lexis,” His breath tickles my ear, sending a message into my brain forcing me to respond in a controlled voice.

            “Yes,” I speak in monotone. A smirk of pleasure stretched from his face as he watched me carefully. A strand of hair got pulled back as I felt a pair of lips near my neck. The Goosebumps rose.He’s a demon and... I smash and dig my heel into his foot. ...I’m a psycho.

             I had no clue to why we were doing creative writing for survival training. I could see that Nathan was completely in it though. He was writing and erasing like crazy. The only thing I wrote was a little bit about the Demon and the Psycho and how the psycho ends up killing the demon. What did you expect? That the demon would win?

             “Do you have something for crushing people’s feet!?” Demon viciously spoke through his teeth. Now that I think about it, I did hurt his foot before and he had to go the hospital.

              “I’d hate to dance with you. You’d crush my foot every step you’d make.” Demon muttered under his breath. I slowly switch my focus on him “Only if I wanted to do it by purpose.” I didn’t like feet that much anyway. Might as will kill his, not like he needs them...

              “Exactly,” He states.

              “Are you saying that I like injuring people’s feet?”

              “The girl’s got a brain,” He speaks out a miracle. I smack him at the head and laughed. His expression stood serious but I saw the fury built up in those veins.

              “At least I got one,” I say.

               “I’m not sure if you would be better off without one.”

               “Then I’d be crushing more on your foot because I can’t think of when to stop,” I remind and then just noticed of how stupid our conversation was. We were talking about stepping on other people. I laughed more “Stupid conversation.”

               “Tell that to my foot,” He narrows his eyes.

               “I bet if you got injured they’d send you back,” I plant a thought. Next thing you know it, Demon would beg me to step on him as much as I like. Oh, wouldn’t that be nice? I get to give him as much physical abuse as I want. I stopped a laugh from spilling.

                “Break my leg,” He demands. All the laughter came out as I face him. All eyes directed toward me and I could care less. Then I watch his serious expression and how it wasn’t changing to any type of sarcasm. Was he really being serious?

                “Are you serious?” I ask.

                “Yea, break it, step as hard as you want but make sure my baby is okay when they take me to the hospital,” He warns me. Well, of course, can’t let anything happen to his car can we? I nod no in complete disagreement.

               “I’m not going to hurt you,” I state as a fact. He gasps as if that was the most shocking thing he ever heard. And then we noticed the silence all around us. What...? All the silence Misty opened her mouth and I couldn’t wait to hear what she had in mind.

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