The Feast (Day 2)

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Nikki, Vanessa, Anna, Max, Rick, and Ty arrived a few yards away from the cornucopia. The stared at it. It was refilled. It had shiny bows, a Exacto Knife, Fresh food, wheat, and more weapons. There was two long tables set up, with each tributes name on a container. The container held what the tributes needed to survive. Nikki finally spotted hers. Jackson ran out of the blue, and started scooping up containers that weren't his.

"Hey!" Yelled Anna, seeing her container being dragged away.

Anna charged out of the bushes, running towards her cup. She lunged onto Jackson, stabbing Him in the back.

Vanessa screamed, jerking her head away.

Nikki ran after her, an arrow loaded. 

Anna was very strong. She continued swiping aggressively at Jackson until he dropped her cup. Jackson let the cups drop, clutching his back.

Anna kicked him in the stomach. She grabbed her cup and ran. Jackson stumbled off, holding his and Sophia's cup.

Nikki and Max ran out, grabbing their cups. Max also tried to grab Ty's cup, but ended up playing Tug Of War with Sophia. Nikki shot Sophia in the throat. Nikki closed her eyes, hearing blood splatter. She got Vanessa's container too, and set off. 

Half way, Rick passed. He kicked Bailey out of his way, charging to his basket. 

"Gah!" He yelled, catching it. He spun around and trampled Bailey again.

Bailey let out a cry of distress, staring at Ty.

Ty was on Bailey's team.

Ty ran out of the bushes, and pushed past Rick. He helped her up. Bailey wiped her tears. She ran off, and Ty waved goodbye. Max slapped him in the back.

"You've got yourself a crush!" Teased Max. 

Ty shrugged it off and the two brothers ran back. Rick grabbed his container and followed.

Once all the containers were taken, Max held up a different one.

"I got Harper's." He said.

All six kids rushed back to camp. They settled down, but froze in their tracks. Nikki gasped, turning around. She pushed past her friends.

"Mrs. Eller!" She said.

Then the other tributes followed her, and soon they were standing in the clearing side by side.

"Listen up. There will be a feast tomorrow. Fresh food, new weapons, and other useful things. Medical supplies, and wraps. You can not come to the feast, and well, probably die, or you can come and taste fresh water and delicious food. Its all your choice." She smirked, flying away in the jet.

"I'm not going." Nikki said.

The whole group argued against her, but Rick didn't want to go either.

"Nikki and I will stay." Said Rick.

"I-I might come out later.." Said Nikki.

"Same here." Agreed Rick.

The groups separated. 

Vanessa walked into the cornucopia, seeing plates of food and water. There was barely anything, and multiple fights were going on in the area.

She lunged for an apple, and caught it. She was rewarded with a long gash down her leg.

"Ahh!" She screamed, seeing Bailey cut her.

She collapsed her hands over the wound, but soon stared up at Bailey and stood up. Bailey backed up, unaware that she was like three feet taller than her.

Ty stared at Bailey, confused.

Vanessa punched Bailey with all her might, knowing this was a live or die situation. Bailey stumbled back, charging her with the knife again. Vanessa grunted, dodging her attacks. She grabbed the knife and pushed Bailey out of the way. She grabbed what she could and ran. She limped away, holding back tears.

Max noticed Vanessa, and helped her into a bush. Once she was settled down, he charged into the cornucopia. He found a plate of food and picked it up. He threw a water bottle and some turkey onto the pile. He looked around, grabbed the Exacto-Knife, and ran back without getting injured.

"What did you get?" Max took a seat by Vanessa.

"Uh, lucky for me I got the first aid kit, an apple, and a small piece of Chicken, and thats it." She said.

"I got some turkey, a water bottle, an Exacto Knife, and a plate of food." He said proudly.

"Wow, thats alot." Said Vanessa.

"I'm gonna go now." Nikki said.

Rick motioned to the cornucopia. "I'll be right here."

Nikki ran off. Soon she was in the clearing. She saw people fighting, rocks flying. She looked around and finally found a good spot to gather. She ran towards it, spotting Ty. He had much in his hands.

"I'll bring that to Max, so you can keep gathering." She took his things and ran off.

Ty spun around, but saw a spear heading aggressively to his chest. He tried to leap out of the way, but failed. The spear hit him, and he collapsed. Nikki arrived seconds later, and saw Ty. She pulled the spear out, and tackled Nate. She continually stabbed him, even though she knew he was dead. She let a tear slide down her cheek.

She picked up Max and ran to where they were. Ty came insight.

"T-Ty?" Asked Max, shaking his brother.

Nikki set Ty on the ground.

"Ty?" Asked Max, in a louder voice.

No response.

Max let a few tears run down his cheeks. Vanessa covered her mouth and stared to cry.

Nikki sat down, wiping the blood off her hands.

I wasn't there in time..this is all my fault. Nikki thought, and her eyes filled with tears.

Max leaned over Ty's body, and some tear drops dripped onto the spear wound.  Nikki's face lit up.

"Anna!" She yelled. "Do you have anymore medicine?" She asked, beaming.

Max looked up at her, eyes red from crying.

"Yes...yes.." Anna said, digging into her pocket.

She gasped, the bottle rolling out of her pocket. It hit the ground, and shattered. The liquid spilled everywhere. There were small chunks Nikki was willing to save. She dropped onto her knees, and scooped up as much liquid as she could. She felt her tears come down harder, and harder, and harder as she tried to get the liquid.

"Ahh!" She screamed, angry.

She tried scooping it up more and more. Her hands started to get sore. She let put a sharp cry, cutting herself on a piece of the glass. She didn't hesitate for a second, and began frantically scooping again. Max grabbed her hand, and pulled her back. She started to cry again, staring at Ty's body. She grabbed a leaf and caught a big chunk of the formula. She scooped it up, and put it in Ty's mouth.

Max and Nikki joined in a hug, while Anna just stared, and Vanessa tended to Ty. The flower fell out from Nikki's hair, sending it into Max's face. She laughed, pulling backwards. Max put the flower back in her hair.

"Ty will wake up with us tomorrow."

A few cannons were heard in the distance-

Nate District 14

Sophia District 4

Bailey District 3

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