Round 2 (Day #5)

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Everyone was gathered around the cornucopia. Everyone was terrified. Nikki looked at Vanessa, fear in her eyes. She looked at Noah, shaking like heck. She looked at Jackson, standing proud as if he could win this.

Jackson? That ass isn't going to win!

Nikki's dull eyes stared directly into Mrs. Ellers.

"Alright. It's time for round two! Okay, so line up one at a time. I'm going to put a tracker inside your neck. It will only hurt a little. You will be given gps to track people. Who ever kills the most people will have a better chance of winning. If you take the tracker out, I'll hunt you down and won't spare your life. The top five people with the lowest kills will be eliminated. There is teams, teams of two. And I'll be choosing them." She said, smirking.

"Oh dear," Vanesssa said, looking around.

"Haven't we killed enough people?" Nikki said aloud, staring at Mrs. Eller.

Vanessa warningly pulled on her sleeve.

"Oh, Nikki, You'll be our first demonstration! Jackson, come on up."

Nikki trudged forward, anger reflecting in her eyes. She brought a single knife with her. The rest was at camp.

"Example: Jackson kills Nikki," She motioned for him.

He cocked his head, staring at the young girl. Nikki grabbed his shirt and pulled him forward.

"You land a scratch on me, Vanessa's going to kill you." She whispered through clenched teeth.

Jackson tried to pull back. 

"Do you hear me, Jackson?"

"Y-Yes.." He yanked backward.

"Fight already!" Yelled Mrs. Eller, impatiently.

Nikki dropped her knife and made fists, so did Jackson aswell.

"What are you waiting for?" Nikki said, sounding very intimidating. 

Jackson swiped at her. Nikki blocked, crouching and then punching his gut. Jackson exhaled, punching her shoulder. Nikki grunted, standing up. She attempted to punch him, but he blocked. Jackson tripped her, and then started to punch her back. Nikki protected her head.

"Gah!"She screamed, kicking his face. 

Jackson fell backward. Nikki stood up, glaring down at him.

"FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" The crowd of people chanted. 

"Enough, Enough. I think we have our winner." She held up Nikki's hand. "Well, lets say Nikki kills Jackson." She laughed sarcastically. 

Nikki smirked. She jerked her hand away, out of Mrs. Eller's and threw off the wrist gaurd.

"Don't touch me." She said, walking back to Vanessa.

"Oh my!" Mrs. Eller said, grabbing her own hand.

Vanessa smiled. "You did Great!"

"I know." Nikki replied.

They both laughed.

Jackson walked back to his district, anger in his eyes.


"Alright, line up!" Mrs. Eller yelled, preparing the tracker.

Nikki sat down in the chair, and felt the cold metal on her neck. Mrs. Eller pushed the button, and the tracker went into her neck. Nikki felt tears come to her eyes, and she blinked them away. She stood up out of the chair and waited by Vanessa, she had already gotten it.

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