Day #8 -Illusion

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Someone tapped Nikki's shoulder as their breaths filled the dry morning air.

Someone familiar.

Nikki rolled over, ignoring the anxious tapping. She curled into a ball to block out whatever sunlight came her gloomy way.

"Nikki, get up, I need to tell you something!" A male voice hissed.

Nikki turned around wearily, not amused to be woken up again. "What is it, monsters?" She spat, realizing that it could be a monster.

Nikki's eyes widened as she stared.

"...!" She had no words.

"I'm not real," he said, "but listen close." His body was wavy and almost clear like a spirit.

Nikki stared as he went on, "you need to listen. Ms. Eller is coming, and she had tricks up her sleeve." Nikki dazed off and stared. "Nikki, listen to me!" He almost yelled, clenching his teeth.

"Vanessa is going to 'die', it's an illusion! Be careful!" He whispered. "No- she won't die!" Nikki argued, offended at the boy's words.

"Listen to me!" He hissed again,  anger growing and patients fading away. "It's fake!" He growled.

"No no no! She's not fake!" She shot back.

"Nikki, LISTEN TO ME!" He snarled.
She'd never seen her friend like this before.

Nikki went silent as she finally began to listen. "She's faking it, don't Karen to Ms. Eller, whatever you do." He hissed, then fading away like the moon on the sunlight. "I've warned you, Nikki."

Nikki spent the few minutes alone, when Diego and Ash became in sight. Everyone was looking for Vanessa, but Nikki was worried sick about what Max had said.
Vanessa screamed, her mouth taped shut with some duct tape, her body tied tightly to a tree way up high hidden in the leaves. She squirmed as tears rolled down her cheek, knowing it was time.

Mrs. Eller stepped out, with 'Vanessa' by her side. Nikki froze in terror, her trembling fingertips touching a tree as she watched. Mrs. Eller smiled after glaring darkly at Nikki, shoving a knife deep into her friends stomach. Death followed, and Nikki covered her eyes and screamed.

Don't fall for it, please Nikki! Vanessa thought from the tree above.

Nikki stumbled to her feet as Diego and  Ash watched, hate in their eyes.

Nikki Remembered what Max had told her, and walked up to Mrs. Eller. "She's F-Fake." She lifted her chin to hide her tears as she started at Mrs. Eller darkly.

"She's not fake- she's dead." She smiled, a huff of air brushed against Nikki's nose.

Tears rolled down Vanessas cheeks as Diego looked up, seeing falling leaves and branches and scurried up the tree.

"Ah!" Mrs. Eller screamed, landing with a thud on the forest floor as Vanessa jumped down. She punched her, easily taking the wind from her. Diego and Ash looked at eachother and Nikki and Vanessa fell into a hug.

"We're the top 10." Vanessa muttered through tears.

Nikki stood silently, hate reflecting off her pale face. She clutched the grip of the knife she was holding tightly, feeling like only her heart was holding her back from getting revenge for Max and her friends.

Worry grew in Vanessa's eyes. Diego looked behind him, the wind blowing hard against them.
"We better get going," he murmured, "Were getting close to the border."

Ash argued. "No were miles away from it."

Diego pointed behind him. "It closes in on the tributes, making it easier to attack eachother. "

Nikki pulled out a small slip of crinkled paper and read it aloud. It said,

Greetings to all the districts,
  Today we welcome you to celebrate the top ten. All teams are off, or you know what happens. We will be releasing permanent trackers to make sure everyone follows the rules. More animals will be released after the shelter is released. Choose to come or stay wisely, the shelter only allows one person, and they must defend their shelter. And beware, rapid packs are being released all over the map. This is no time to goof around, there is a hidden tube filled with Moax, a formula you feed to the wolves to tame them. This only works on one wolf, but effects the others greatly.

Nikki paused.
Everyone's head turned to Nikki's torn paper.

Nikki shivered, stuffing it in her poctet. "Our survival chances are very slim," she said, "we must go for the shelter. Or at least try." She sighed, "either way we have to go to get our trackers."

Vanessa grunted, annoyed that they had to be tracked again. Over that, the guns they use left your neck sore for days. "Those?" She groaned, "Again? Doesn't she kno we're breaking our backs to stay alive, and now she wants us to be tracked? And, we actually are breaking our backs. Some of us," She rolls her eyes. 

Nikki turned her head away from Vanessa's rambling and touched a trees leaf, but jerking her hand back and making a loud hiss noise. She stepped closer to se what caused her pain, and saw this burn yellow colored smoke reaching closer.

"Diego?" She asked, stepping back. "Whats that?" She pointed to the dark yellow foul smelling smoke.

"Thats the border. Its closing in." He pulls Nikki away from the substance and tries to hurry along the group. "C'mon, guys. It moves faster than you think."

"You're right. We better get going to get our trackers anyways." Ash nodded. 

"Yeah." Nikki agreed.


After hours of walking, Nikki smelt food. And she was very hungry. She climbed the tree, feeling the sharp prickly vines biting through her soft skin. Nikki gave up. She came tumbling to the ground, murming things under her breath and continued walking.


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