Day #1

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    Nikki rolled around, the sent of burnt pine tickling her nose. She sat up, uncomfortably, looking around. She rubbed an eye, and looked for the rabbit. She saw it cooking. Vanessa waved a hand to her.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." Vanessa said.

Nikki stretched and crawled down the tree. The Sky was barely lit, and it was well over freezing. Nikki rubbed her arms, and then took a spot by Vanessa. She held out her hands. The fire crackles and popped. Vanessa looked up and heard rustling. 

"What's cooking?" Someone shouted from the tree.

"Breakfast." Yelled Nikki.

One of the boys must have rolled over, because it went silent after that. Nikki glanced at the pile of guts and rabbit skin. She walked over. The smell was horrific. She looked for some hide, but none was left.

"I know you too well." Said Vanessa, "I hung up the hide for you." 

Nikki looked up. She saw it was hanging on a high branch. She crawled up to find it was already cleaned, and didn't smell bad.

"Thanks. Maybe we could make boots or some shoes." Nikki said.

Vanessa nodded, pulling the rabbit off of the stick. She cut it into small portions. 

"We should save some for tonight for emergencies of we can't catch anything, or just eat the bread." Nikki said.

"Yeah, ok." Said Vanessa. She pushed aside two portions, and cut the other ones in half. She picked up big leaves and raped them around the other meat. 

The Sun peaked put of the tall trees, and the sparkle of sunlight touched Nikki's nose. She coughed, looking around.

"You got water, right?" She asked.

"Yeah, it's up the tree. Just take a little, it will be unpleasant if we run out." Vanessa answered.

Nikki nodded and climbed the tree. Her hands collapsed on the branches, and she instinctively leapt from side to side. She reached the top, and looked around for the water. She looked up and saw the boys playing chopsticks. Max looked like he had just woke up. She glanced around, and soon found the water. She found it tied to a high branch. She grabbed it, without a word to Max or Rick, and took a small sip. The cold water touched her lips and she grasped at a branch to keep her up. She tilted it back, and put on the lid. There was about 3/4 left. She tied it back up, waved good morning at the boys, and crawled down the tree.

Vanessa pinched her nose, looking around. "What is that stench!" She whispered.

Nikki gagged and did the same. 

Max and Rick crawled down the tree, staring at the girls. Rick groaned, collapsing his hands over his nose. Max did the same. 

"What is that smell?" Max screeched.

Vanessa's body went limp, as the green gas filling the air. 

"Ahh!" Yelled Nikki.

Max caught Vanessa before she hit the ground. Blood startled trickling out of her nose. 

"Run!" Yelled Rick.

The group charged away, and Max flung Vanessa over his shoulder. The were getting closer to the cornucopia, were all the other tributes would be running too. Nikki gasped, falling to the ground. She stood up quickly, running again. Eighteen other people stood by the cornucopia, watching the green gas fill the air.

Nikki screamed, Vanessa's arms shaking. She held her friend nervously. People collapsed, their teammates screaming over them. 

Vanessa woke up coughing. Nikki seized her hand. 

"Oh Vanessa!" She cried, hugging her friend.

Vanessa smiled, but pushed Nikki to the ground quickly. 

"Duck!" She yelled.

Nikki stood up, and arrow flying over her head and stabbing into a tree.  She screamed, seeing Glimmer.

"You took my food!" She snarled, charging towards Nikki. Nikki held up her knife, and stabbed it into her stomach. 

Glimmer screamed, falling to her knees. Blood leaked from her stomach. She clutched her wound, dropping the bow. Sasha ran towards her, and Nikki and Sasha fought over the bow. Vanessa punched Sasha, and Nikki fell backward clutching her bow. Glimmer collapsed, dead.

Sasha let out a sharp cry as Jackson smashed a rock against her forehead, killing her instantly. Nikki punched Jackson. He grunted, but she shot him once in the ankle. He screamed, pulling out the arrow and running. Nikki stood crying. She had killed Glimmer. 

She stared at Sasha's body, crying.

"Vanessa!" Nikki cried.

Vanessa hugged her.  Brandon collapsed, mouth leaking blood. The gas had killed him. Nikki loaded her bow, wiping her tears. She looked around.

Her eyes focussed on Charlotte throwing stones at Bailey. Bailey shrieked, a stone hitting her ankle. Ty picked up the stone and threw it as hard as he could at Charlotte's neck. Charlotte collapsed, gagging. She waved her hands angrily at Ty. Max ran over to Ty.

"Ty!" He yelled, hugging his brother.

Ty hugged back, blood on his hands. 

"Can we alliance with you?" Asked Ty. Vanessa hesitated.

"Sure, yes, of course." Max said desperately.

Ty ran back to Nikki and Rick with Max behind him. Nikki picked up Ty and twirled him. 

"Your so cute!" She said. 

Max rolled his eyes. "Hes a devil in disguise." 

The gas died down, and the Five kids ran off back into the forest. The Sun became hotter and hotter by the hour. 

"Phew." Said Rick, wiping some sweat off his forehead. 

Max was panting from all this running. He rubbed his eyes. Nikki stared at the bow, the shining wood and the led arrows. She felt a connection, something she had never felt before.

Max climbed up the tree, grabbing the water. He drank only a little. He stopped panting. Ty just caught his breath. Ty climbed the tree. He make him self comfortable, and settled down for a nap.

The teenagers chatted down below, Nikki's bow slung over her shoulder, Vanessa's rock in one hand, Max's spear in his belt, and Rick sat empty handed.

"Have these." Nikki said, pulling the two knives put of her pocket. She handed them to Rick.

Rick nodded, taking them. He admired the blades, and tucked them away in the pocket. He smiled, looking gratefully at Nikki. The Sun started to set, creating a beautiful sight. Ty awoke and nibbled on some bread. Nikki started sharpening her arrows, her dark brown hair hanging in her face.

Max pushed her hair behind her ear, and put a small flower in. Nikki blushed, looking at him for a moment. Vanessa, being immature, yelled, "Oooooooh!" The whole group laughed, especially Max.

Nikki smiled to herself. Vanessa grabbed her hands. "It's getting dark. We should try to get some rest." She suggested.

"Sure." Max said.

The group slithered up the tree, and soon they were on their branches. Nikki wished everyone goodnight, even though she knew no one would fall asleep.

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