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I wake up to the sounds of my older sister jumping into my bed. "Evieee get uppp" she sings loudly but terribly. My sister and I are close, so close we look like twins but I'm 15 turning 16, she's 17.

"Jade, why are you waking me up so early?" I groan as I pull a pillow onto my head.

"Eve common, I want you to meet someone today" jade says finally getting up from my bed.

"Fine, when are we leaving?" I starting to get up from my nice, warm bed.

"30 minutes and we're going to the beach" she says leaving my room. As if we're never at the beach, we basically live at the beach, that's where I get my very dark tan from.

I quickly get up and have a short shower, not washing my hair. After my shower I dry myself and get into my denim looking swimmers and put my black denim shirts and heavy blue denim jacket. I'm a kill for denim, I know.

I check the time and see I have 10 minutes left before we leave so I quickly brush my hair and teeth, pack my small handbag, with my towel, wallet and phone then slip on my Nike SB's. I then grab my round sunglasses and meet with Jade in the lounge room.

We then leave and decide we're going for fish n chips for lunch seeing as it was nearly 12:30 when we get there. Jade texts whoever we were meeting telling them to meet at the fish n chip store at 12:45. We walk up to the fish n chip store, grab drinks for ourselves then sit down at a table with 4 chairs. I take a sip of my refreshing Coke then set it down on the table before checking Instagram.

"Jade!" We hear someone say, I turn around and look to see who it was, it was a girl around my sisters age with brown to blonde ombrè hair. Jade gets up and her and the girl hug hello.

"Eve this is my friend Mikaila, Mikaila this is my sister Eve" Jade introduces us, Mikaila and I exchange hellos and then Mikaila sits down opposite Jade.

"So Eve, tell me a bit about your self" Mikaila asks me with a smile

"Well I'm 15, I act and i love the beach and my bed" I say earning a few laughs

"Well you sound like my brother" she laughs "you should meet him sometime" I agree to meeting Mikaila's brother then her and my sister go back to talking.

Later on I get bored and decide to go for a little walk along the beach, I tell Jade then get up. When I get to the carpark I see a boy in a car singing along to 5SOS, i laugh at it and walk along. as I was walking I hear the song go from 5sos to Ed Sheeran, photograph, his voice litterly like an angel, I was in awe and hadn't realised I was staring. Soon he turns around and I look away, Ofcourse bumping into someone. I look into his brown eyes, apologise and run away. I run to the car and grab my surf board out of the back. I run down to the beach, put the Velcro onto my ankle, pick the board up and run into the water.

There was no waves so I was left there in the water just sitting, it was nice and peaceful which was good. Soon the waves start to get heavier and heavier that I think I'll actually be able to ride them. I look out and realise how far away from the shore I am, it's so far away, the people look like ants. I start to paddle inwards as I know how hard the waves are getting cant be good. I see a big wave coming and get up to ride it but it comes too fast and I'm being dumped, badly that soon I can't see and everything goes black...


Soon I wake up to the sound of something beeping, I open my eyes and see I'm in a white room 'shit' I curse to my self as I realise I'm in a hospital. I look around and see to the right there's a couch with Jade, My mum, Mikaila and the boy I saw singing at the beach. My mum and sister come running up to me when they see I'm awake.

Soon Mikaila walks up to me with the boy "Eve, this is my little brother Jakob"

We exchange hi's and then we talk for a little while, then a Chinese looking man with a white coat comes in, I imagine he's my doctor. "Ahhh Miss Mortez, you've awaken from your sleep, now would you like to know why your in here?" He asks I nod and he goes on "well when you were surfing you got badly dumped, you had some water come into your lungs but your all good now, you had a cut on your back but that wasn't that bad, you should be able to go home by tonight" he smiles at me

"How long have I been asleep?" I ask him

"Just a few hours, no need to panic, just some painkillers for the next few days and you should be back to usual but..."

"But?" I ask horrified at what words could come out of his mouth in the next few seconds

"You won't be able to surf for about a month" I sigh and I'm thank ful I'm not dead and that's it's only a month, not a life time. My mum then says it's fine for him to leave and does so

"Well common Jakey we gotta get you to band practise" Mikaila says as she says goodbye to everyone then her and her brother leave.


A.N- well that was a weird start, I know it's Jakob in this so far but Chris will come in pretty soon 😏

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