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I'm left in the most awkwardest position ever. Another guy just confessed to liking my girlfriend. How fucked up is that. I have to admit Declan is good looking, which means I have to make sure Eve stays away from him, I feel like a potato next to him.

All the girls made us guys set up the beds whilst they sat in the back yard. Sexist much. We finish with the last mattress and I'm so glad the girls aren't in here or they'd be drewling over Declan's arms. We all walk back outside to see all the girls in the exact position they were in when we left. Eve stands up and I sit down, she then sits back on my lap. She puts her arm around my neck and has her drink of coke in her other hand.

"But Zac Efron is hotter than Dylan O'Brien" she insists, but everyone else dis-agrees. "Ok just imagine Mark O'Donald off 17 again, he's hotter than Dylan O'Brien" and that's when everyone agrees. I grab my drink of Fanta off the table and take a sip, I put the cup back down and the argument finally comes to a rest. The conversations break up so Eve is left, she looks back at me and I smile at her, she cups her hand onto my cheek. "Your very pretty, you know that" she says

"And your very very beautiful, you know that" i say copying her, she leans in and kisses me right on the lips, I put my arm around so it's resting on her back. It very quickly turns into a total make out session, and we totally forget that there's still people around us.

"Guys I think Eve is about to get pregnant" I hear someone say, she smiles into the kiss then looks back at everyone else.

"Way to ruin the moment" Eve says back at them.

"Declan mate, where ya going?" Matt yells out

"Just gonna go put my phone on charge" Declan says as we walks inside. I look at my phone and see it's about to die soon too. I tap Eve on the thighs and she gets up.

"Where you going baby?" She asks as she sits down on the chair

"Just inside for a sec my love" i say grabbing my phone then walking inside.

I walk into the lounge room and Declan is no where to be seen, he hasn't gone back out yet and he isn't in the bathroom. I put my phone on charge then I see there's smoke coming from outside. I walk out the front door and see Declan there with a cigarette in his mouth and he's sitting on the cold ground. I open the door and walk out.

"Mate are you ok?" I ask him

"Mate?" He spits at me "fucking hell mate now you listen to me, Eve and I were almost together, then you come in and your all over each other, maybe if you weren't fucking each other every second I wouldn't care so much, but your a fucking dick and your playing around with my girl, I've known her for so much longer so you have no fucking right to come in and take her away" he says right at me

"Look I'm sorry, but Eve doesn't like you-" I start but I'm cut off by a searing pain through my jaw. I kick him right in the balls through anger, he holds himself and pulls back before punching me right in the stomach, I punch him right in the face.

"Omg guys stop!" I hear a scream. It's Eve, I turn around and she's right there. "Chris are you ok?" She asks me, I'm suspicious when she doesn't question how Declan is.

"Why don't you care about me?" I hear Declan say.

"Your fucking retard Declan! Seriously? We found your fucking vodka mixed into your drink, oh and care to explain the fucking cigarettes in your bag?!" She screams right in his face. She grabs my hand and we walk into the house together. By now everyone's at the door, but we push right through them and back outside.

She sits me down on the chair we were previously sitting on and strandles over me. "Are you sure your ok baby?" She asks me, pushing back my hair.

"Yeah I'm fine" i says as put my arms around her waist, "but I think you owe me some kisses" I say, she cups her hands over my cheeks once again and places her lips into mine, they move together and I can feel her tongue against my bottom lip, parting my lips she lets her tongue explore my mouth, just as I'm about to fight back her lips leaves mine and she starts to leave a trail of kisses down my neck. I pull my arms up a bit and under my jumper that she's wearing, I pull it over her and let my hands explore her back. I can feel her sucking right on my neck and I know she's trying to leave a hickey, she sucks a little harder then moves back up to my lips. "I love you so fucking much" I say just before she reaches my lips again. We go back into full on make out session and I start to pull my jumper over her head, i can hear the movement of feet but I'm too in the mood to give a fuck. She tugs on the shirt I'm wearing and then pulls it over my head after i leant forward. I let one hand lay on her ass and the other with a finger twirling around the side of her swimmer bottoms, she has one arm around my neck and then other laying on my chest. She then pulls away for breath

"Man your good" I as she pulls back, the sound of the door opening rings through.

Everyone else then walks back out where we were.

"You guys were watching all that weren't you" Eve says not even looking away from me. There was a series of 'yeah's and 'mhmm's. "Horny teens" she says smiling at me

"Us horny?!" I hear drew say "at least we weren't basically having sex" he says.

"It's not sex, it's love my boy" she says turning around. I feel a pang of jealously go right through me when she calls someone else 'my boy'. I take a deep breath then remember that they're just her friends, whilst I get the whole package.

"Hey do you guys wanna finish Dec's vodka? He left it here" Monique says, only Carly and Eve agree to though.

"Just don't tell him" Eve says as Monique pours it into her cup of coke. She takes a sip then offers me some, I take a big sip then know that all I'll have. I feel the rush of the alcohol go down my throat and almost instantly feel I refreshed after that hit to my jaw. I take another big sip then decide that's defiantly all I'm having, but it just felt so good. Eve's had at least a few sips by now and I like seeing her like this, she's happy and gone loose.

"Did you guys know that Declan had sex with Holly Atwood?" I hear Monique say.

"Yeah she apparently nearly got pregnant" I hear someone else say

"How long ago was that?" Eve asks

"It was just before he started liking you" someone else say.

Eve then stands up and I'm then fully awake, she offers me her hand so I take it and get up. We walk over and into where there's no light, a slow song comes on and she puts her arms around my neck, she sways to the music, then whispering some thing in my ear "I can't resist you" I hear her whisper, shivers going down my spine. I slip my hands down and right onto her bare ass.

"Babe wait" I say then she hops down.

We walk back over to where everyone else was. "Guys we're going to bed now, we'll see youse later" I say then we walk into the lounge room, but I walk straight passed and upstairs where no one would be, we walk right into the guest room and heat up our make out session again.


We walk out of the room and back downstairs where there's only Monique and Carly outside still talking and drinking the left overs. Other wise everyone else is asleep. Hailey is sleeping on the bean bag whilst Matt and Drew are on the couch, leaving one mattress for me and Chris and the other for Monique and Carly, whilst Cassie is asleep. Eve lays down on the mattress and I lay next to her. I pull the blanket over both of us and I put my arm around her, I pull her hair back and I leave a kiss on her neck "goodnight my beautiful girl" I say, she then turns around and leaves a kiss on my lips "goodnight my amazing boy" she says then turns back around, I put my arm around her and pull her in, then letting myself fall asleep.

Yas bitchez a full chapter of Chris' POV, I feel amazing.

Wondering what they did in the room? Will be in next update :,)

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