Safety with Danny

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Danny's POV

"Come on darling... lets get you cleaned up." Danny cooed as he helped Y/N up from the blood covered floor. She slowly stood up, still shaking and immediately collapsed into Danny's chest, hugging onto him.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!" Y/N sobbed as Danny lightly pet her hair.

"Shh.. it's not your fault. I love you princess." Danny whispered lovingly, leading Y/N to their bedroom to help her be rid of the blood on her once pure white wedding dress. He sat Y/N on the bed as he rummaged through the closet for a clean, outfit.

He ended up picking out a black, floral romper and black heels to go with it

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He ended up picking out a black, floral romper and black heels to go with it.

"Here we go princess. I think this outfit should suit you well!" Danny smiled, gently setting the heels  down on the floor besides Y/N. He then began stripping Y/N from her blood soaked dress, replacing it with the romper, and handing her a damp make-up removing wipe. As Y/N began wiping away her tear streaked face, Danny carefully reached around her and undid her braid, making it into a half up half down braid. Y/N silently handed him the used make-up removing wipe and pulled her feet up underneath her for warmth as Danny threw away the wipe.

"Th-thank you." Y/N whispered as Danny walked back and stood in front of her, taking each one of her hands in his, caressing them comfortingly. Y/N looked down at their hands, not meeting Danny's gaze.

"Hey..." Danny whispered, trying to get Y/N's attention. She looked up slightly but still did not meet his eyes. Although Danny was growing frustrated with Y/N's incompetence to meet his eyes, he kept his calm as he continued to urge her on to finally speak more than two or three words... or at least make eye contact with him.

"Y/N...? I don't overpower you... do I?" Danny finally asked, only to be met by Y/N shaking her head slowly, still not looking at him.

"Y/N please... tell me the truth. I want to know if you feel like that so I can stop and make you feel better!" he pleaded, "Just let me help you princess..." Silence... Y/N continued to not speak or even look at him directly. 'I just have to try and get it out of her a little more forcefully.' Danny thought, his mind buzzing with thoughts of what she could be thinking of right now and what he could do about it. Suddenly an idea came to mind. Danny slowly and ever so carefully, made his way on top of the small girl, pushing her farther onto the bed so that she was laying on her back with him on top of her, gently pinning her down. Still no reaction... just Y/N still avoiding his eyes and not speaking. 'I want a reaction...' Danny thought, 'I NEED a reaction... and I'm going to GET a reaction.' Again... ever so slowly, Danny met his slightly chapped lips with her soft lips, kissing her sweetly. Hesitantly... Y/N kissed back. At that Danny's kisses became rougher and more forced upon Y/N, yet there was still nothing said... but Danny could still see by her body language that she was uncomfortable at the moment. Danny stopped...

"Y/N... please. I love you no matter what... you just have to talk to me." Danny suggested, as he began playing with her hair. When finally her eyes slowly... slowly came up to meet his. Danny just about gasped, they were full of pain, worry, sadness, and a few other emotions that Danny couldn't put his finger on. Finally she spoke in a hushed whisper.

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