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Just a quick reminder!!! The art video is still taking submissions!!! I will be taking art submissions until the end of the month of November!!! Thank you!!!

Danny's POV

Air... one of the may elements that keeps us living. Yet, so necessary that even a mere three minutes without it can be fatal. But the thrill you get while those three minutes go by is even more exhilarating.

"DANIEL! Open the door this INSTANT!" Danny could hear the muffled sound of Vlad screaming at him through the bathroom door. Danny giggled, sending air bubbles up though the water. 'Only.. t-two minutes left.' Danny thought as he held himself under the water, his mind growing hazier by the second. 

"DANIEL!!" Vlad yelled once again, making Danny smile to himself. 'By the time Vlad gets through that door I will already be dead!' he thought, 'Then everything will be okay!'

"DANNY!" someone screamed behind the door, making Danny frown. That was a different voice.. definitely not Vlad's. 

"Danny, PLEASE open the door!" the voice screamed again. This voice was lighter... more feminine. 'C-could it be..?' Danny's mind suddenly brought up an image of his precious princess  Y/N and his child Elizabeth. 

"Y-Y/N....?" Danny called though the water, loosing more air as he did so. ' Yeah one minute left.' Danny thought as his lungs screamed for air. It seemed like a long time before Danny finally glanced towards the door but when he did, he regretted it. The door started to splinter and with another punch to it from the other side, there was finally a hole in it. A sick and absolutely dreadful feeling filled Danny as a hand.. much smaller than Vlad's, reached through said hole and unlocked the door. The door was then thrown open reveling.................











Y/N's POV      

Y/N retracted her hand just as Vlad flung the door open, reveling an unconscious Danny being held under the water in the bathtub by a heavy stool. 'Smart move..' Y/N thought sarcastically as she helped Vlad and Olivia move the stool off of Danny, and haul Danny out of the tub so that the doctor they brought along could preform CPR. Y/N had left Ellie and Grace at Vlad's mansion because of Vlad's frantic phone call requesting help from both girls and a doctor. Never had Y/N ever imagined it would be this bad.

"Danny.." Y/N whispered, moving his bangs to the side and caressing his peaceful looking face only to be moved aside by the doctor as he preformed CPR. Suddenly Danny sat up abruptly, throwing his head to the side as he threw up water.. lots of water. The tears that were brimming at Y/N's eyes were now flowing freely down her face as she gently rubbed Danny's back. Danny jumped at her touch but Y/N just continued comforting him. Until finally Danny's eyes landed on her small, shaking form.

"Y-Y/N?" Danny's raspy voice broke Y/N's heart as she whispered back a greeting.

"Hello Danny-" Y/N was instantly tackled into a hug by Danny. With his arms wrapped protectively around her waist and his head nuzzled into her chest, Danny began to sob.

"I'm s-so SO SORRY!" Danny sobbed as Y/N ran her fingers though his wet hair and whispered comforting words to the sad ghost boy as she too cried. Placing gentle kisses upon Danny's head, Y/N continued to whisper how much she loved him. 

Vlad's POV

Vlad gestured to the doctor and Olivia to follow him out of the room. As they followed, Vlad began to speak.

"I don't think we can separate them again.. it's not good for either Y/N or Danny." Silence followed the trio before Olivia finally spoke up.

"Maybe we can get Y/N to leave Elizabeth with me and you can stay with the two of them until we can conclude that Danny is sane again." Olivia said to Vlad, as Vlad tried to see how the doctor could help further.

"Do you think you can keep this whole incident or any future incidents to yourself?" Vlad asked the doctor seriously.

"Yes, I promise that all my patients information is safe from the public's eyes." the doctor concluded.

"Great, then could you please continue to check up on us every now and then? Maybe we could even find a medicine that could work..." Vlad trailed off, looking intently at the doctor. 

"Yes I believe that we could arrange that." the doctor nodded along with the plan.

"Then let's get to work."

Yay!!! I told you guys that I would try to update more now!!! XXD I hope you guys like this chapter!!! I swear this one is probably my favorite reunion between Y/N and Danny!!! So ADORABLE!!! Just so you guys know... there are more than enough spots left in the art video so please don't be afraid to submit yours!!! The vote goal for this chapter is 38 votes!!! I'll see you next time my little mini muffins!!! Bye!!!


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