A Baby and a Rescuer

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Grace's POV

"Shh shh shh little one." Grace cooed to the babbling Elizabeth as she handed her a cookie to stay quite. They we currently outside of Danny's and Y/N's palace, trying to find a quite way inside.

"How did we get to this...?" Grace mumbled the question to herself as she thought back to a few hours ago.


"Grace! Danny and Y/N are in trouble!" Olivia yelled, holding up a piece of paper. 

"What is that?" Grace walked over to where Olivia stood in the doorway, trading her Elizabeth for the note. 

"It's from Vlad!" Olivia said, struggling to get Ellie to stop puling at her dark brown hair. Grace read it aloud to herself;

"Dear Olivia, I know it has been a few weeks since I could get word to you but Danny and Y/N are in great danger! Elizabeth may be as well. Ulla and Ember have taken over. I am currently trying to find a way to help them without making Ulla or Ember suspicious but they need help now! Please send help from anyone who would know what to do. Please! I am trying my best but I'm afraid it's not working as I hoped it would. Just know that I love you my dear Olivia, I will try my best to help Y/n and Danny out of this situation even if it means my death as well. But please send help as soon as you can! Love, Vlad."

Olivia was crying now as she held the little Elizabeth as Grace just glared at the piece of paper.

"I know what to do! We have to help them!" Grace exclaimed, taking Ellie back into her arms and down the hallway to her room. 

"B-but Grace! Who are we going to ask to help us?" Olivia asked, chasing after the small ghost maid. Grace looked over her shoulder as she finished buckling Ellie into a front facing baby carrier and fastened her backpack to her back.

"Oh no no no no no, YOU are not going anywhere! And certainly not with Elizabeth! What are you thinking!" Olivia said, attempting to reach over and removed the child from her carrier only for Grace to stop her.

"Olivia, if anyone knows that palace it's me and I have a plan so please just trust me? I promise I will keep Elizabeth safe, but I also have to keep Danny and Y/N safe. Please you have to let me do this." Grace said, looking straight into Olivia's eyes.

"Alright fine, just make sure nothing happens to her!" she said gesturing to Elizabeth, "I'll call up a few of Vlad's friends that own him for help. Good luck!"

*End flashback*

"Well it was my idea..." Grace said, looking up at the second story windows, wondering how she was ever going to get up there, "There's only one other way and that's the kitchen window but I don't want to draw attention to us with the stupid squeaky window!"

The only other option would have to be up and in. Quickly Grace removed a grappling hook and rope from her backpack. 

"This should work." Grace eyed the open second story window. Slowly Grace began to swing the hook back and forth, gaining momentum.

"Ready Ellie..? Count to three!" Grace whispered to the small ten month old. Elizabeth giggled and began to hesitantly count out the numbers on her hand.

"Wa-one?" she asked looking up at Grace for approval, Grace nodded happily, "Two.. two and a h-half.. THREE!" Elizabeth half screamed the last part out as Grace threw the hook.

"I think it's going to make it!" Grace exclaimed. Finally the hook met with the windowsill and stayed attached to it!

"Yes! You did so good Ellie!" Grace whisper cheered to the little girl as she gently gave a tug on the rope, "Okay now we are going to play the silent game okay? As soon as I start climbing this rope and all the way until we get back out side with your Mommy and Daddy the game will be over. If you win you get a surprise! Got it?"

"Y-yes." Elizabeth nodded, already placing her hands over her mouth to stop herself from speaking.

"Okay ready...? Here we go!" Grace whispered, before finally grabbing onto the rope and carefully climbing up.

Y/N's POV        

Y/N sat against the bars of her cell, half asleep. BAM! She jerked awake, looking around when finally she caught sight with a furious Ulla. Y/n backed as far away as she could from her as Ulla started to yell.

"Listen you! I was wrong about my feelings for you! I only love Danny and I always will! So stay out of my fricken way this next week because we are going to be getting married! YOU HEAR ME!" Ulla screamed as Y/N looked at her confused.

"B-but how could he marry you if he and I are already married?" Y/N said hesitantly. Ulla grinned as she looked almost pityingly at Y/N.

"He's not married to you anymore! Get over him!" she said before walking away without another word. 

"What the hell?!" Y/N yelled, "He is MY HUSBAND AND ALWAYS WILL BE!! I WILL NOT GET OVER HIM!!" But Ulla was already gone, leaving Y/N to yell empty threats into the darkness.

Well how about that? Congratulations!!! It seems we are finally going to be rescued!!! I hope you all liked this chapter but I must warn you... the end is coming soon :(. I'm not sure exactly when (probably just a few chapters more) but the end of this story is coming. I know this news must be sad (I'm sad too but I can just FEEL the ending coming T_T) but don't worry I am thinking about perhaps making a sequel but we'll see!!! If I don't, still don't worry because I'm sure I will keep writing other stories too!!! I will also put out another sort of warning before the very end. I love you all my little mini muffins and I hope you continue to stay with me until the end!!! But for now please enjoy this story!!! Thank you!!!


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