Chapter 21

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Yosh! We have reached our 2nd goal! And that's to finish 20 chapters! Waaah, I feel so happy! Now, our next goal is 30 chapters! Let's work hard to achieve this goal alright? Oh, and also, thank you so much for the 800+ reads and 200+ votes!! //bows// Arigatogozaimasuta!!

Now, let's go to the story!

Last time on "My Little Goddess":

"What happened to me?"

And so it continues...

Mirayuki's POV

Everything was so peaceful, it was quiet...

This place, I want to stay in this world longer. I want to stay in this place forever!

I...I want to live normally. I want to live happily with mama and papa. I want to live happily with Fumiko.

Oh, right. I want to live in this world for eternity!

I made friends here, friends that I know won't leave me alone in this unfair and cold world.

Etsuko-chan, she was the first person I made friends with. Actually, she was my first ever friend! Even though she was some years older than me, I treated her as my older sister. I don't want to leave her behind.

Gon, Gon, well, he's like my little brother that I never had. His innocence almost attracts you. Like you want to protect and hug him. He became my friend also. I don't want leave him behind.

Akaneko, boy, she's quite a handful. She's sometimes too energetic and so hyper. Haha, she's so friendly though. She and Gon are perfect siblings. She's cute, I don't want to leave her behind.

Kurapika-san, Well. He's okay. He's very calm and cool. So mature like a grown up. But I bet under that cool façade, lives something dark. He seems mysterious. He and Etsuko is quite cute when they're together actually haha. I want to be his friend, I don't want to leave him behind.

Leorio-san, I don't know. Teehee, I don't think I've ever talked to him even once. But I bet he's nice deep inside. Even if he has that grumpy mask on, I know he has a reason why he acts that way. I don't want to leave him behind.


Killua... Killua, Well, he's like Etsuko. He's also my friend. But sometimes he always act tough, and always seem to feel proud and arrogant. He's a tsundere that's for sure. know...for some reason, I'm attracted to him. That tsundere, proud, arrogant Killua, I think I'm in love with him. He made me think, that there is still hope for me in this world. That's why...that's why...I don't want to leave him behind.

Etsuko, Gon, Akaneko, Kurapika-san, Leorio-san, Killua, and everyone! I don't want to leave them behind!

But, I have a feeling, that someday, they might disappear one by one. I...I don't want that to happen.

That's why, I have one wish.



We could...

Stay the same forever





"Yuki....Mira....Mirayuki..." Oh? Someone's calling me? It sounds like Etsuko. Etsuko...


My eyes fluttered open and it trailed to a worried Etsuko. "Et...suko?" I mumbled. "Mou, you scared me!" She said. She pouted. My eyebrows were furrowed as I stared at her in confusion. "Why? What happened?" I asked her, slowly getting up. "Well, you were sweating in your sleep. And you look afraid too. You were also mumbling "I don't want to leave them behind" in your sleep. So, I got worried." She said, not making eye contact. My eyes stared at her, before I broke into a soft smile.

"It's okay." I said softly, I reached out for her, and patted her head. "It's okay."

She blushed. But then, broke into a laugh. My eyes widened in surprised. "What's wrong?" I asked her. She wiped away an invisible tear as she clutched her stomach. "I-It's just. Y-You-- Ahahaha!" She continued laughing as my eyes narrowed.

"Hmph!" I looked away. She slowly stopped laughing. "Ahaha, gomen gomen." She said between giggles. I didn't look at her. "Hey, come on." She said. She suddenly appeared next to me. And she whispered in my ear.

"You know, Killua doesn't like girls that aren't forgiving~"

My face flared red as I snapped my eyes towards her. "Wh-What are you saying?" I asked her but she was already starting to walk away.

"Come on, let's go~ The others are already outside!" She said from her shoulder. I furrowed my eyebrows harder, but my eyes immediately lightened up as I remembered what I did last night.

I snickered to myself quietly, ad I took out my RhythmPod. I went to gallery and choose a certain picture. I catched up with Etsuko.

"Nee nee, Etsuko~" I sang, she turned to me. "What is it?" I smiled ad shoved my RhythmPod at her face. "Wh-What the? What's up Maruyu- Wh-Wh-What is this?!" She shrieked in horror.

I laughed out loud at her expression as she stared at the gadget in horror and terror.

I heard her click her tongue so I turned to her. My eyes widening at what she did next.

She threw my RhythmPod up to the air. My eyes widening in disbelief. "Nooo! My RhythmPod!!!" I yelled. I fell to my knees. I heard Etsuko laughed behind me. "Heh~ Just wait for my revenge Mi~ra~yu~ki! It'll be so awesome!" She said. I glanced at her and reached for my pocket.

"Well, don't ya worry Etsuko." I mumbled. Suddenly my normal atmosphere went back to normal when I showed her another RhythmPod.

"I have tons of RhythmPod!! Haha! You won't take away my freedom!!!!" She sweat dropped
"Gyah! What ever! You better be ready though!" She pointed her finger at me before walking away. I snickered. "As if~"

The picture was actually Etsuko and Kurapika. Her head was on his shoulder and at the same time. His head was resting on top of hers.

I sighed. I must be prepared though. By the tone of her, Etsuko's serious. And, I think I know what'll gonna happen if she's serious.

𓇢ㅤㅤ𝓜𝚢 𝓛𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝓖𝚘𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚜ㅤㅤ° 。𓂅Where stories live. Discover now