Chapter 3

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Last time on "My Little Goddess":

"Ah! You're the 10 years old girl who can play the piano like magic!"

And so it continues...

3rd Person's POV

"Eh? Oh you mean the pianist spring cup?" Mirayuki asked the unknown girl. "Yeah! The contest! Boy, you played some notes that time. Mirayuki Ivory was it?" She asked making Mirayuki surprised.

"Y-Yeah, I am. And you are?" The unknown girl grinned and jerked her thumb to her chest. "The name's Etsuko! Sakurai Etsuko! Nice to meet 'cha!" Etsuko said with a wink. I nodded.

"Ah, I see. I see no need for me to state my name again? Since, you already know me."

"Ah! Sure, I don't mind. Anyways, what's a little young girl like you walking around here all alone?" She asked raising a brow.

"Ah! No, no, I'm not a young girl! I'm no longer a child. And well, I'm going to enter the Hunter Exam!" Her brow went higher, if that was even possible. "You? Enter the Hunter Exam? You know that the Hunter Exam isn't a place for kids and young girl like you, there will be bad people wanting to get their filthy hands on you." She warned. Mirayuki pouted. "Like I told you, I'm not a kid! I'm 12 years old, you're the one to talk, aren't you the same age as me?" Etsuko seemed to lost her balance but regained her composure. She coughed awkwardly.

"E-Ehem, I'm sorry but I guess you misunderstood. I-I'm 16."

"...What?! You are?! Oh I'm so sorry!!!!!" The young pianist apologized. Etsuko sweat dropped and laughed nervously. "It's alright, Mirayuki-chan." The said girl immediately stopped apologizing and flashed a smile. "Alright!" The brunette fell anime style but quickly recovered.

"Anyways, do you want to come with me to the Hunter Exan?"


Commercial Break~

"Don't tell're going to take the exam too, Etsuko-san?" The said brunette laughed out loud. "Haha, of course! I want to test my strength if I'm strong! If that training of survival I did payed off." Mirayuki eyed her cluelessly before shrugging.

"I see, okay, I want to come with you Etsuko-san!" Etsuko chuckled. "No need for formalities, call me Etsuko~" Mirayuki smiled. "Etsuko!" The said girl deadpanned.

"Oh, look at the time, the ship is gonna sail soon, let's go Mi~ra~yu~ki~!" And with that, the teenage brunette dragged the young pianist.

Time skip to the exam site coz Author Chan is too lazy to explain~ (PS: They didn't encounter the gang YET.)


Mirayuki's POV

"Ah it seems that we're here--" "Let's gooo Mirayuki-chan!" And with that, my hand was dragged off by none other than Etsuko-san (I almost put her REAL name there hehehe~😅😅😅😓😫😫😫)

"Here you go." We suddenly came to a stop when a we saw a walking green bean? in a suit walk in front of us. "Please wear this on your chest at all time." He said and handed us a tag with a number on it. After that, he left and talked to another applicant who just arrived.

"Hey! I'm number 101! I must be lucky! What about you?" I heard Etsuko exclaimed happily. I looked at the tag at my hand and saw the number '100'

"Mine is 100." When I said that, I clipped it on my brown vest. "Eh~ Cool!" She chirped making me smile.

"Hi! Never met you here before~" Both Etsuko and I snapped our head to the voice and saw a fat chubby man wearing a light blue shirt. On his chest, the number '15', wow he's early. (Tonpa was 15 right? Please do tell in the comments, thanks!) I sweat dropped at his tag, and his nose. Why is it...square?

"You must be rookies right?"

To be continued...

Yay! Last update for today, hope you guyzz are satisfied😜.

Phew, I'm tired, and I feel dizzy of staring at my phone for almost all day. (Sarcasm) I'm going to rest for a bit. I'm sure I can update tomorrow so please be patient and wait for the next update~

Anyways, how do you like Etsuko? Or even Mirayuki? Please leave a comment and try to give advice. I appreciate being thought of. Don't be scared! I won't bite~ *cough* maybe *cough* So, Ja ne!


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