Chapter 9

243 18 4

Last time on "My Little Goddess":

"Well, you gotta focus on your surroundings~"

And so it continues...

Mirayuki's Pov

"Goal~!" Me, Killua and Gon yelled in excitement as we crossed our finish line.

"Yay! I win!" Gon said happily. "What are you talking about? I'm the winner obviously." Killua boasted. I went to the middle of them and touched their chests, pushing them away from each other. "Um, didn't I cross the finish line first?" I said innocently, but it was also coated with playfulness. "What?! No way!!" Both of them screamed. They looked at a man with short curly lavender hair. With a fancy looking mustache,

But no mouth.

"Ne, Satotz-san, who was the first?" Gon asked pouting. He hesitated, before saying, "It looked like the little girl over there was ahead of you two by 2 millimeters." he pointed out. The two boys' jaws dropped as their heads snapped towards me.

And what did I do? I just casually stuck my tongue at them and made a V-sign with my fingers. Gon blinked and then laughed. Killua was looking away, an annoyed and pissed off look on his face. I heard him mumble "I lose to a girl." I frowned. Does he thinks that I am weak? Me?

"Then, me and Killua will treat you to dinner then!" Gon exclaimed cheerfully. The smile returned back to my lips as I shook my head. "Nah, it's okay. I'll just cook dinner myself." Gon's eyes widened in excitement. "You can cook?!" I chuckled. "Of course~! Why, how about Akaneko-chan?" He scratched his head sheepishly and said, "Well, she does. But it's...not so good." I laughed at that. At the corner of my eyes, I can see Killua still looking pretty annoyed so my laughter ends. I walked towards him. "Uh, Hey." He ignored me. My eyebrows furrowed as I sighed slightly. "Look, just because I bested you in our little race, doesn't mean I'm greater than you~" He glanced at me then pouted. And I found it quite...adorable you might say.

"I just can't believe I got beaten by a girl like you. It's just...embarrassing." He stated in a tsundere like manner. I giggled softly, his face flaring red as I did so.

"Hey~ Sorry if I interrupted your little chat 'ya little lovebirds~" I turned around and my eyes landed on a familiar, loli like figure. "Ah Etsuko!" The said girl smiled sweetly. "Yellow Mira-chan~" I rose a brow, a small smile tugging on my lips. "Mira-chan?" I mumbled softly. She chuckled and looked at Killua. Head to toes. I felt something stir in my stomach as she did so. It kinda....ah never mind.

"Hmm, and who are you?" She asked the silverette. Killua suddenly had an annoyed look. "What is it to you, hag." Etsuko smirked oh so devilishly. But you know, it just increased her loli-ness. "Heh, interesting~ I'm Etsuko! And you are?" Killua remained silent before saying "Killua. How old are you?" I sweat dropped at his straight forwardness. Oh Killua~ "My age? You know it's inappropriate to ask a lady what her age is y'know~" With that said, Killua deadpanned. "Just answer my question." Etsuko laughed. "Feisty are we? I'm 16!" Killua was quiet. I heard him mumbled a "So she really is a hag" earning a smack from the head from Etsuko. "Hey!" I had quite enough at the sight so I said,

"It seems Kurapika-san is looking for you, Etsuko." calmly. She looked at me before having that mischievous grin on her lips. "Oh, I see~ Now I know~" She sang. I rose a brow "You know what?" She ignored my question and skipped happily towards the blond teenager. "Hmm, she's been of awfully close to him. Could it be..." I trailed off.

"You okay, Mirayuki?" I looked at Killua and gave a toothy grin. "Yup! Ah look, the examiner's talking, it seems important so let's listen okay?" I smiled and listened to Satotz-san. It seems we were going through a swamp. The Numere Wetlands or Swindlers swamp. He also said that the 1st Phase wasn't over yet. But if we survive in the swamp and stay close to the examiner, we can reach the 2nd Phase safely. But I tuned out after that and started to daydream about something.

Third Person's Pov

Unbeknownst to the young pianist that a silver headed boy was staring at her the whole time. Cheeks were both red as his heart beat, for some reason, was beating fast. What is this feeling you may ask? Well it's.....

Yay! Over 200 reads! Thanks so much guyzz! Daisuki all of you!!!!

Anne Chan

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