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     clear groans. some silent cheers. careless emotions, but deep inside, they fear their parents.

     mr joon is giving their english poem compilation back. marked.

     "lovely job, kyu. I really like the last one especially. nice handwriting too."

     "ah, thanks mr joon."

     she scanned her poems, the red comments overriding her black fonts. a contrast of legibility.

     seokjin peeped from his side, seeing her poem and her smile. bubbly, yellow, bright.

if i tell you that i love you, you'll forget.

to show you that i need you, you might remember.

but to involve you in my life, you will change

and i don't want to make you different

so i'd rather not tell you at all

prism [ kim s.j ] ( fin )Where stories live. Discover now