11. Cole's Conflict

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I walked back down the train corridor, feeling all in a daze. Draco had kissed me on the cheek! He had never done that before. Well apart from that weird dream I had last year. But what did this mean?

Did he have feelings for me? Did he want to be together? Did he just like teasing me, and seeing me blush?

Was I just over-thinking this?

I slid into the compartment, and sat down next to Harry. He poked me in the arm, and said something. "Yeah," I responded, not really hearing what he was saying, still being in a world of my own.

"You two are going out now?" Gennie exclaimed. "I need my five galleons!"

"I am not going out with him!" I exclaimed. "Where did you hear that?"

"I just asked you 'have fun with your boyfriend', and you said yeah." Harry said grumpily. "I was going to tear his head off, but clearly you're in a world of your own."

"Did something happen?" Hermione asked, her mouth open in surprise. "Did he kiss you?"

"Pfft, no!" I said quickly. "Just learned something from Draco."

"Ooh, please tell us what little Drakey-kins has told you!" Cole said in a dream-like voice, balancing his head in his hands.

"Well apparently, a lot of people think Harry and I are going out." I said solemnly, gesturing to the close distance that Harry and I were sitting at.

Ron, Hermione and Gennie looked at each other. Then the three of them were cracking up, laughing hysterically. Hermione was even crying tears of laughter. Surprisingly, Cole was the only one not laughing.

"Why aren't you laughing?" Gennie asked. "It's funny!"

"Well, er, when I met you guys, I thought you were going out." Cole said sheepishly. "Don't look at me like that! I didn't know you guys were related for over a month! And you guys seemed overly close. Hugging, sitting close to each other, teasing each other.... And of course how concerned Rory was about Harry when he fell off his broom."

"You thought that was love." I said flatly. "Really?"

Cole shrugged. "That's what it looked like to me. I was quite relieved when I found out you guys were related. Of course, if you had a thing on, then it would have been creepy!"

"The word your looking for, is incestuous." Hermione said earnestly.

I shuddered. "Well maybe Harry, we'll dial it down on being friendly. Those guys are shipping us, and they are always going to sink." I paused. "You know, the Slytherins pair you guys up as well."

"Who with?" The four of them spoke together.

"Ron with Hermione, and Gennie with Cole."

"Me and Cole?" Gennie snorted. "As if!"

Cole looked offended. "What's wrong with me? I'm a sexy beast!"

Gennie rolled her eyes. "You don't seem very... relationshipy. Like you don't look the type do romantic gestures.... Like kissing a girl on both cheeks and the nose..."

Gennie looked quite lost in thought until Cole snapped his fingers in front of her. "Number one: I've never been in a relationship, so don't judge. Well there was this one girl from Beauxbatons... Name was Kitty I think..."

"And?" Gennie said impatiently.

"Number two: I think you're talking about Seamus."

"Am not!" Gennie said indigently.

"Well its not just the Irish that have charm, us Bulgarians have the charm as well." Cole winked. He kissed Gennie on both cheeks, and her nose. "See?"

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