15. Cole's Victim

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The next morning, I learned that Harry had written to Sirius, discouraging him from coming--without telling me.

"You could have told me," I said irritably. "I wanted to help convince him as well."

"I can't get into the girl's dorms." Harry said gruffly. "The stairs would turn into a slide."

"Yeah, but then I would have heard you fall, and I could have slide down." I groaned. "I've always wanted to use that slide!"

"Oh well," Harry huffed. "I've stopped him coming back now, that was the main point."

"What did you tell him, anyways?" I asked curiously, starting to eat my breakfast.

"I told him that I'd imagined my scar hurting." Harry said. "And I said you were tipsy when you wrote to him, so you didn't know what you were on about."

I rolled my eyes. "Great, my godfather now thinks I'm a teenage alcoholic."

"That's not the issue, here." Hermione said, looking at Harry. "You didn't imagine your scar hurting, Harry. And Rory was not tipsy, I'm sure she wrote that letter as soon as she woke up."

"Yeah, well I'm not having Sirius go back to Azkaban." Harry said shortly. "He's the only family Rory and I have."

"What about me?" Gennie said indigently. "I'm Rory's godsister!"

"Well you know," Harry said awkwardly. "A family member that Rory and I share."

"Dude, you are digging yourself a grave." Cole chuckled. "Gennie will turn all wolf on you if you aren't careful."

"But, Harry--" Hermione began.

"Drop it." Ron said shortly. For once, Hermione shut her mouth, and listened to Ron.

I did my best not to worry about Sirius over the next couple of weeks. True, I could not stop from looking anxiously around every morning when the post owls arrived. (It annoyed Cole to death with my constant looks)

And at late in the night before I went to sleep, I had to think of happy memories, to prevent seeing horrible visions of Sirius, cornered by dementors down some dark London street.

I tried to block out Sirius, but because of my memory ring, that wasn't possible. I yearned for Quidditch, as that would have distracted me, and cheered me up. But sadly, our lessons were becoming harder--and none other than Defence Against the Dark Arts.

To Cole's disgust, Moody had announced that he would preforming the Imperious curse on all of us in turn, to see if we could resist it's effect.

"You said it was illegal, Professor." Hermione said nervously, as Moody cleared the desks, leaving a wide space in the classroom. "You said to use it against another human being was--"

 "Dumbledore wants you taught what it feels like," said Moody, his magical eye swiveling onto Hermione and fixing her with an eerie, unblinking stare. "If you'd rather learn the hard way - when someone's putting it on you so they can control you completely - fine by me. You're excused. Off you go." 

"Can I be excused instead?" Cole asked in a bored voice. "I don't see no point in learning this crap."

Moody looked at Cole with an almost amusement, and then pointed to the door. Cole had a big grin on his face, and he walked out with a grin on his face. Gennie and I stared after him in astonishment. 

Moody began to beckon students forward in turn and put the Imperius Curse upon them. I watched as, one by one, our classmates did the most extraordinary things under its influence. I was quite glad that Cole was out of the classroom, as otherwise I think he would have whole-heartily complained about this.

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