38. Picking up the pieces

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Slowly and steadily, I felt my eyes peel open. Everything was bright yet blurry. A yellow shape swam into my line of sight, clearly standing over me.


It was Draco of course, sounding wary.

"I can't see properly." Were my first words to him. "Where are my contacts?"

"I've got something even better." Draco sat on the edge of my bed, and pressed a pair of glasses into my hands.

I gasped. They were the glasses I had picked out with Lacey, four years ago, and that i'd loyally worn until she'd stood on them. But surely they should still be in my room at Oxford?

"Where did you get these?" I whispered, pressing them onto my face,everything coming into clarity.

"They've been searching your house." Draco explained. "Dumbledore and Gennie's Dad. Looking to see where they might be. No luck yet though."

"Oh." I said. I couldn't help hoping that they'd gone home, that Mark could be taken away from the family he didn't deserve. But a part of me was glad-I still had a chance of seeking him out myself.

I realised how quiet it was in the hospital wing. "Where is everybody?"

"You've been out two days." Draco explained. "Everybody's been coming and going from your bedside. I just so happened to be the one who is here."

"How is Harry?"

"Quiet." Draco shrugged. "I haven't spoke to him but Gennie said he's keeping his distance from everybody."

"I need to see him." I demanded.

"Madam Pomfrey said your staying in here until tonight for observation. She said to restrain you if necessary." Draco joked dryly.

"How is everybody, about... him?" Draco didn't need to ask who I was on about. Cedric.

"Dumbledore announced to the school at breakfast yesterday, even though everybody guessed as much... He said to leave you two alone, so I suspect you'll get some peace and quiet. I think Harry's talking to his parents, they wanted to know what happened."

"Right." I sighed. Draco was quiet. Too quiet. "We have to talk about serious stuff now, don't we?"

Draco nodded. I braced myself for the inevitable words: its over. But they didn't come. "Why aren't you breaking up with me?"

Draco smiled briefly. "I didn't know you wanted rid of me."

"Its not that!" I said quickly. "Its just... He said he'd punish you, Draco."

"I know." He said calmly.

Anger went through me. "Don't act so calm! He could torture you, manipulate you--or kill you!" I burst out. "And I'm not worth dying for, Draco!"

"Don't say that." Draco whispered. "Please don't."

Hot tears flowed down my face as I shook my head. Why couldn't he understand? Draco slid up the bed, putting his arms around me. I softly tried to push him away.

"Don't. Don't comfort me. Its true. My parents... Cedric... Kayley. They were wonderful people. They deserved better. And you deserve so much, and your practically parading yourself to Voldemort by being with me."

"I understand that." Draco sat up, rubbing at his head. "I know the risks. God, I do. But Rory, we have a plan to keep us safe, and together."

I appraised him "Who is this 'we'?"

"Me and Gennie. We're... allies you could say. She wants you happy, like me." said Draco. "So we sat down and came up with a plan."

"What is it?"

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