25. Broken Memories and Hearts

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We stood for a while under the starry night, our hands clasped close to each other. "I cannot believe this has happened." I whispered. "It's just..."

Draco smiled. "I know." A puzzled expression came onto his face, and he looked over my shoulder.

"Something wrong?"

"It's nothing. I thought I saw some people creepering on us." He laughed nervously.

"Better not be." I muttered. I shivered, rubbing at my arms.

"You cold?"

I nodded. Draco sheepishly took off his jacket, and draped it over my shoulders. I blushed at his chivalry, which was a rare sight from him.

"You seem to be warming up." Draco teased, poking my cheek.

"Your collar is like a vicars." I shot back, remembering what I thought earlier.

"A what?"

"I so need to educate you on the muggle ways." I murmured, before gingerly pressing my lips to his.

Before anything could really happen, a shrill call of our surnames came from behind. We whirled behind; to see McGonagall.

"You two!" She called. "Come here!"

Sheepishly exchanging a glance, we held hands and went over to her. "Yes Professor?" I asked meekly.

"The ball has finished, therefore it is curfew." McGonagall said curtly. "Come on."

She ushered us inside the castle. "Now off to your dorms, you are both lucky I haven't deducted any points."

"Why Professor?" Draco asked.

"For canoodling."

Draco spluttered, and I smiled at him. McGonagall gave us stern looks. "Five minutes, then off you go."

She wandered off, leaving us alone. Still holding hands, I looked at him. "So... What are we? I mean we've kissed, but what now?"

"I..." Draco trailed off. "I don't really know."

"Neither do I..."

"Mr Malfoy, Miss Oswin." Snape was now behind us, an ugly expression on his face. "Curfew is now in place."

Did all of the teachers want to interrupt us?

"Listen, we can talk about this tomorrow." Draco said hastily. "The library, at two?"

I nodded. "Sure." I handed him back his jacket, which he took gratefully. "I'll look forward to it."

"Mr Malfoy, a word?"

"One second, Sir." Draco lent over, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. I smiled, but before I could respond, Snape was herding Draco away.

He smiled over his shoulder, but Snape seemed intent on speaking to him. With a giddy feeling in my stomach, I bounded up the stairs; shock tumbling through me. Had this night actually happened?

Oh, I just couldn't wait to tell the girls about it--WHAM. I had walked straight into my brother, who looked disgruntled and irritated. "Oh, hello Harry." I said cheerfully. "Good night?"

"Not really." He grumbled. "Waste of a night really."

I slung an arm around his shoulders. "Cho will come around eventually, don't worry, bro."

"You're awfully cheery," He said suspiciously. "Are you drunk?"

"Honestly, Harry," I huffed. "If I was drunk every time you thought I was, I'd be an alcoholic by now!"

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