Epilouge~ Mysteries of the Oswin attic

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Epilogue~ Mysteries in the attic

"Thank you for flying with us, we shall commence landing to Gatwick airport at approximately 8:39 am UK time. Please re-adjust your seat-belts. Thank you."

The voice of the overly chirpy air-hostess excited Hollie Oswin as she eagerly did up her seat belt, almost trapping her hand in the process.

According to her watch, it was quarter past eight now, so they'd be back in London soon. She'd be close to being back home.

Hollie wiped at the coldness of the plane window with her sleeve, to catch a glimpse at the English Channel, a sparkling azure blue. She had missed England more than she'd let on to her family.

"Lacey," she whispered, nudging her elder suster's arm. Lacey had been reading an airline magazine for the duration of the flight, with a forced expression on her face. "We're almost home!"

"I can't wait." Lacey said dryly, doing up her seat belt sigh shaky hands.

Hollie frowned at her sister. "We've been away for a month, Lacey. You could be more excited."

Hollie hasn't enjoyed this past month of holidaying as she usually would. They'd been watching Aurora Potter enter the maze, and Hollie had been cheering her on.

But then a pale-looking form of Lacey turned up, with a furious Father behind her. He'd yelled at them it was time to leave, before it was too late.

So they'd left there and then, in the same clothes for Edinburgh airport. They'd taken the first flight out of there, to France. They'd been making their way around Europe, never stopping for long.

But Mark had triumphantly announced in the Netherlands that they were safe to return home now. Hollie had been thrilled--Jenna and Lacey, not so much.

Jenna and Mark were sat across the other side of the plane now, arguing in hushed voices. Lacey glanced at them nervously, before looking at her sister.

"You don't get it, do you?" She hissed. "That wasn't a holiday, we were on the run from people who want Dad!"

A chill went through Hollie. "What has Dad done wrong?"

Lacey shook her head. "So much, Hollie, so much. But one thing he's done is making him target for a very angry witch--who will know for certain when he's back home."

"Who?" Hollie asked eagerly.

"Rory, of course." Lacey said warily. "Things won't be better once we're in the UK. She's going to never stop until she finds him--don't you understand?"

Hollie didn't. She was quiet for the rest of the flight, tracing patterns into the misty plane window, trying to muster some happiness at returning home.

Once off the flight, the four Oswin's headed to the luggage carousel. Mark's, Jenna's and Lacey's came off straight away, but Hollie's was nowhere in sight.

"You get your luggage, and then we go straight away, okay sweetie?" Mark said quietly to Hollie. He looked slightly deranged with dark circles under his eyes and a forced smile.

There was a dangerous undertone to his words, that made Hollie shiver. It was a threat that bad things would happen if she didn't claim her case.

Hollie thought of what her sister told her about her Dad, but attempted to be brave nevertheless. She nodded, and meekly waited for her flowery case to come.

After an agonising few minutes, Hollie spotted it in the distance. Hope went through her. Them they could leave and be normal again, she thought.

Eagerly, she pushed past people, and grabbed at the handle as soon as it flew into her direction. Only problem was: the case was heavy, and Hollie didn't have much strength.

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