14. Everybody has secrets

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"Some lesson though, eh?" Ron said to Harry as the five of us headed off to the Great Hall. "Fred, George and Alia were right, weren't they? He really knows his stuff, Moody, doesn't he? When he did Avada Kedavra, the way that spider just died, just snuffed it right -"

But Ron fell suddenly silent at the look on Harry and Gennie's face (and I suspected that look was on my face as well) and didn't speak again until they reached the Great Hall.

Hermione dashed off to the library again, when I noticed Cole come into the hall. Gennie and I looked up in sync as he sat opposite us.

"Hey guys," Cole said casually, starting on his food like nothing had happened during the lesson. Gennie and I stared steadily at him. "What?"

"You totally had a freak out in the lesson, and then got kept behind." Gennie said slowly. "Honestly Cole, what is the matter?"

"Nothing." Cole said shortly. "But Moody gave me an awesome book, look!"

It was a small faded blue book, which read 'How to make music magical'. Cole looked over-joyed by it as he showed us. "It's got all awesome spells to keep track of notes in your head, and simple spells to tune pianos and guitars!"

"I didn't know you liked music," I said with a smile. "You seem to enjoy the hobby of being in love with Sam."

Cole rolled his eyes. "Very funny Rory, really funny. But I love music! I can play the piano and guitar! Ask Arthur if you don't believe me, I was playing them all summer!"

Arthur Wilde. Cole's older cousin who he spent the summer with. The one who had to re-sit his Divination exam last year, and who stuttered around Gennie and I. He had spent the entire summer with Cole, and they were close enough to spend the entire summer together....

Maybe he would know something...

I got to my feet, pulling my rucksack over my shoulders. "Where are you going?" Gennie asked. "Cole's music book wasn't that boring."

"I'm going to find Arthur," I explained, shoving one last potato into my mouth. Once I had swallowed, I turned to Cole. "Where does your cousin haunt?"

Cole looked surprised. "Er, usually the library. You'll probably see Hermione there as well. But why--"

But I had already sprinted off out of the hall. I was determined to find answers, not just for my curiosity's sake--but for Alia's sake as well.

* * *

I finally made it into the library, the door slamming behind me. Madam Pince looked up and regarded me with a cold stare. Making an apologetic face, I made my way through the silent library.

It seemed that everybody had opted for dinner over the library. I did find Hermione in a secluded corner, seeming to make something. She seemed to be the only one in the library. My heart sank. Had Arthur gone or---THUD.

I walked into a seemingly solid surface. I looked up, to find myself in front of Arthur Wilde. I blinked a few times, not recognising him initially.

I hadn't seen Arthur much, but the last time had been two months ago. He looked different. His black hair had grown out a bit, looking artfully messy. Arthur had grown by several inches, and was a few inches taller than me--and that was saying something with my 5ft 7 height.

His eyes, however, were still a stormy grey.

"R-Rory!" He declared, his stutter still notably there, but a bit deeper. His voice had began to break. "It's been a while."

"Arthur," I smiled gratefully. "You've grown over the last couple of months."

"What a relief, I'm finally taller than you." Arthur said with a grin.

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