21. The First Task

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I woke up in a cold sweat, and dressed without much notice of what I was wearing. Hermione had to gently remind me that I could pull my jeans over my head instead of my jumper.

I didn't say a word about last night to either of the girls, until Harry and Alia had met up with us; and we headed to the grounds for privacy. Then in hushed tones, I told them what Sirius had told us the night before--and the dragons.

"Cole, on the dark side?" Alia said, looking very pale. "I can't imagine it. Cameron, I could imagine. Even Sam--that bitch---would be good material. But Cole... No way. No way."

"We won't let it happen." Gennie said hotly. "Even if I have to shackle Cole to my side, he is not going on the dark side. He is staying here with us lot."

"As worried I am about Cole," Hermione began slowly. "The more important thing is keeping the two of you alive until Tuesday."

"The question is," Harry said grimly. "What spells can be used on a dragon?"

Alia left soon after to meet up with some friends. Her cheeks were flushed when she said it, so I strongly suspected it was a boy she was meeting up with. The four of us wandered around the lake, and tried to think of some simple spells to hurt a dragon.

"Right," Gennie said in an authoritative tone. "I'll look for stuff with Rory. Hermione, you and Harry look. We'll meet up if we find anything."

So we split up in the library, and I brought back every book I could find on dragons.

"Talon-clipping by charms. .. treating scale-rot. . .' This is no good, this is for nutters like Hagrid who want to keep them healthy. .." I mutterd, putting my head on the table.

"Sirius said one spell, but..." Gennie trailed off. "What about a series of different spells?"

I looked up. "What, like using loads of different ones, to distract it, or whatever?"

Gennie nodded, and then her eyes sparked with something. She delved into her bag, and pulled out a crumpled sheet of parchment. "My history summer work," She said sheepishly. "From last summer, actually."

"Why have you got it out?" I asked with a sigh.

"It was about muggle persecution of witches! You know, like Salem." Gennie said. "And there was this spell they used to get out of the burning... It would change the effect of the fire, making it seem like you were being tickled."

My head snapped up. "Gennie, you are a genius! I'll just cast that before I go into the arena! How do you do it?"

Gennie scanned the essay, and pushed it towards me. "You have to wave your wand above your head, and imagine that you are being tickled by a warm summer breeze.. As long as the spell is white, you're set."

"So now, I won't die." I grinned. "That's a bonus. Now I just need to distract the bloody thing."

* * * 

By Monday morning, I had just about perfected the flame-freezing spell. I was a bit wobbly on it, but I could cast it in desperate need. I was surely considering many spells Dumbledore had taught me, but I couldn't remember any. They all mixed together like glue in my head.

Gennie, Hermione, Harry and I got up from the Gryffindor table--when I noticed Cedric leaving his table. 

Cedric still didn't know about the dragons. . . the only champion who didn't, if Harry was right in thinking that Maxime and Karkaroff would have told Fleur and Krum....

"Listen guys," I said firmly. "I need to do something real quick. You guys go down to Herbology."

"I'll come with." Harry said immediately.

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