37. Traitors and Promises

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I felt my body slam onto steady ground, my face mushed in the grass. I had closed my eyes as we fled the graveyard, and I kept them shut now as the tears came. It had only just hit me what had happened.

Voldemort was back. Cedric was dead. My childhood best friend had been murdered by a member of my adoptive family. Sam was sacrificing herself for us right now.

My hand was still clutched to Cedric's, and it had turned stone cold. Cold with death. Feeling sick, I rolled off him, and got to my feet, swaying.

"Aurora!" I could faintly hear Draco, who never called me that unless something was urgent. My vision blurred, and I wasn't sure if my contacts had fallen out or if I was blinded from tears.

Draco's arms went around me, and I fell into him, letting him support me. "What the hell is wrong?" Draco whispered into my shoulder.

"V-Voldemort." I sobbed. "Cedric--he's dead!"

The crowd jostled around us, but Draco held me steady, forming a barrier from the rest of the world. "It'll be okay, Rory, shh, it'll be okay."

"It won't, it won't." I repeated, my voice shaking and tears further streaming down my face. "W-Where's Gennie?"

I felt a second pair of arms on me. It was Gennie, and she grabbed one of my arms. "We have to get away from here." She muttered. "They're moving him."

I realised she meant Cedric and I sobbed even harder. We passed countless amounts of hysterical students, and they all blurred together into one mass mourning. Draco and Gennie sat me down on one of the stands.

"I've got this, okay?" Gennie said softly, taking the vial gently from my hand. "You don't want it broken."

Rage consumed me for a moment. "I need that!" I hissed. "And I need to find who did it!"

I got to my feet, not caring that all my limbs were shaking. Draco stood up at once, grabbing me. "You're not going anywhere, Rory, you can't stand up."

"I need to find the Oswins!" I cried.

"You can't, Rory." Gennie said quietly. "They left during the task."


Gennie looked startled at my reaction. "Yeah... Mark and Jenna went off to talk just before the task, and Lacey followed them. Then five minutes later she ran back and shoved a tape recorder into my hands... but then Mark dragged her and Hollie away, saying they needed to leave."

"What did Lacey say?" I demanded.

"Uh... she said that it was for you." Gennie said slowly. "She didn't make much sense.... she said that it would be the answer you had been looking for."

"She recorded a confession... of who the traitor is!" I whispered. "Lacey, you bloody genius!" I got to my feet once more, but Draco and Gennie were at my side once more.

"You aren't going anywhere, Rory." Draco said firmly. "We're staying where you are safe."

"I agree, Mr Malfoy." It was Dumbledore, looking grave.

"Where's Harry?" I demanded.

"That's a very good question." Dumbledore sighed.

"I think Moody took him somewhere..." Gennie trailed off.

Dumbledore's eyes widened. "Of course...." He turned to us. "Aurora, you are to go to my office, and stay there, until I come. I will bring Harry."

"She can't get there on her own!" Draco exclaimed.

"You may go with her." Dumbledore said hurriedly. "Now I must go immediately."

Draco put his arm securly around my waist. "Put your arm around my shoulders, I'll support you. Okay?"

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