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"Strong will." Aoife said while pacing with her arms crossed behind her back. She had long since discarded her dark cloak. Beneath her dark cloak she was wearing the remnants of a light blue dress. The sleeves stopped at her wrists, but they had been sewn up and torn many times. The skirt of the dress itself was tattered beyond repair. The sleeves were one thing to repair, but the skirt was shredded. It stopped about mid-thigh, the same light blue with remainders of white petticoats. Because her dress skirt stopped so short, she wore dark trousers underneath, these were tucked into a pair of scuffed up boots. It was clear that the boots and the trousers were not originally hers. Beside her the pirate crew were lined up. She looked up at them. "I mean it, they will rip you to shreds. I don't like to lecture, I've never lectured before, this is my first time, and as your Captain said: you never forget your first time," the crew sniggered at this, Hook smirked and shook his head. The actual meaning of the saying was clearly lost on Aoife, she seemed oblivious and confused yet sighed and continued.

"It's fine, love. We get it, we ignore the mermaids they'll leave us alone." Hook offered with a gentle nod, hoping it would stop whatever this was, and would get rid of the utterly bemused expression on her face.

"They'll keep returning. It's what they do." Aoife stated with a sigh, she blew out her cheeks in a second, heavier sigh.

"Then we'll continue to decline their advances. No matter how much it breaks our hearts to do so." The latter part of his sentence caused his crew to laugh agreeing with his words. Aoife pinched the bridge of her nose. "Listen love, it's endearing really. I really like a woman who cares, even for people she hardly knows. But we'll be fine, we've been through worse." He put his hand on her shoulder.

Aoife looked at him seriously. "Hm, somehow I highly believe you'll ignore the mermaids. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt." Aoife turned and pointed to Smee. "He's the only one who seemed able to ignore them."

"Well we've all been under some suspicions for a long time that there's something not quite right with Smee." Hook said and rolled his eyes at Smee's disagreeing comment, which was almost inaudible. His smirk dropped when he got roughly poked in the stomach. It seemed Aoife had no problems with randomly invading personal space, not that Hook was particularly complaining.

"You're mean to him! He saved one of your crew, and you mock him so. You are a rude man." Aoife declared and stopped by Smee. "You were very brave to help that man." She smiled and tiptoed to kiss him on the cheek. Smee looked flustered and even more so when there were whistles and cheers.

"Hm," Hook stepped between them. One arm around Smee's shoulders the other around Aoife's. He looked between the two and smiled. "In a small way, I saved your life. If I didn't help you climb back on board, you may have fallen. Then, oh...do I need to continue? All those nasty things mermaids do, they would do to you because love," Hook laughed. "They really don't like you."

Aoife looked up at him and rolled her eyes. "What was that?"

"Excuse me?" Hook feigned ignorance.

"Were you just trying to steal Smee's attention, for yourself?"

"No, I would never do such a thing." He smiled and patted Smee sharply on the shoulder. Smee gave a small whine from the awkwardness and the sharp hit, yet stayed silent.

Aoife shook her head. "You are really something."

"Is that 'something' a good sort of something?" Hook smirked, he was all for flattery and ego boosting, especially his own. By all means, she could go on, he wouldn't stop her.

Aoife raised an eyebrow. "It's a something sort of something." She reasoned with a smile, Hook looked at her simply, yet smiled and nodded. Giving a shrug he moved away from them. Hearing almost silent footsteps behind him, he looked over his shoulder. Aoife smiled innocently at being caught out. "Just so you know, I'm not following you, we're just walking in the same direction."

"And where is it you think you're walking to, hm?" Hook questioned while turning and walking up the small staircase which led to the wheel. This question caused Aoife to grow silent, he knew full well he had caught her out.

"I don't know."

Her honesty made him laugh. He couldn't fault her on honesty. Leaning against the wheel, he waved his hand at her. Aoife shuffled over and looked at him. "I believe it is only fair that sharing information, deserves information in response."

"What information can you possibly give me?"

"You said you were curious. Then you swiftly shot off a load of questions," Hook tilted his head to the side and looked at her. "I think it's safe to say that I am in the best position to answer those questions."

Aoife frowned lightly. "Right." Looking him over she wagged a finger. "Is this to try and make me forget about you being rude and mean to Smee?"

"No," he said in mock seriousness, Aoife's eyes narrowed. "Perhaps." Hook reached out and twirled a ribboned curl, "I just can't stand it when a pretty lady is mad at me for no reason." He said while stepping closer to her.

"I have a reason. You were rude to Smee."

"You care for Smee?" He asked while stepping closer to her again, still he twirled the ribboned curl in his fingers. Aoife looked at him blankly, invasion of personal space was clearly a new concept to her so she just stood and looked at him.

"No more than I care for the rest of your crew and you."

"That means so much to me, let me tell you that."

"Can you move now?"

"Unnerving you, Aoife?"

"No." She answered sharply and lifted up her hand. She held her forefinger and thumb barely together. "Perhaps a little bit."

Hook gave a half smile before moving away. Putting hand and hook on the wheel, he looked to her. "You know nothing of pirates?"

"No. There were others before you, but they had a gruesome end." Aoife explained. "Their ship wreck is roughly below here. You can see it if you dived down a little way." She rocked on her heels. "You all have a love for treasure right?"

"Well, who doesn't see worth in treasure?" Hook asked, Aoife lifted her hand. "Then you, my dear are the only person I know who doesn't."


(Edited: 20/August/2020)

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