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Smee sat on the deck looking suspiciously around. "What are you doing?" Hook asked while eyeing the man with equal suspicion. Smee jumped at the sound of his voice. Hook didn't say anything else, he just stared at the shorter man, still with the same level of suspicion.

"It's horrible, Captain. Miss Aoife I can deal with, but now she's roped young Baelfire in too."

"What are you on about?" Hook walked away from his cabin door where he was leaning and stood near him. He couldn't see any sign of either Aoife or Baelfire, Hook hadn't seem them for a small while actually. Though he was glad they got along, and they seemed to manage to kill time together, he did miss the random conversations.

Smee jumped up and looked around as if something was about to leap out and tackle him to the deck. "They're tormenting me, Captain. Honestly they are."

"Still don't know what you're on about, Smee."

"They keep pestering me."


"Captain it's very annoying."

"Yet again, so?" Hook frowned, he wasn't too sure what Smee was expecting him to say or do. Ground rules for Aoife had been put in place, and honestly, she had been good and had stuck to them. Baelfire was a different matter, but really, he hadn't done anything too drastic or disruptive to cause any concern. So, yes, Hook left them to it. "Look, Smee, if you weren't such an easy target they wouldn't keep tormenting you."

"Such an easy target." Smee repeated, his eyes wide and his face looking rather saddened by what his Captain had just said.

Hook nodded slowly. "You are somewhat." He nodded one last time before turning and walking away. Truth be told, there was a small part of him which found Smee getting childishly pestered by Aoife and Baelfire funny. It was childish of himself to admit this, so Hook just left it alone. He was sure the two would get bored, eventually. Walking back into his cabin he stopped and narrowed his eyes. Aoife and Baelfire sat at his desk casually leaning their chins against their hands. It was unnerving, nearly as unnerving as the small smiles on their faces. Frowning, he stepped through the door and walked up to them. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing." Aoife answered and flicked her eyes up to look at him. Baelfire nodded agreeing with her.

Shifting his weight he looked at them squarely. "You shouldn't be in here, get out." He nodded back towards the door. So maybe his earlier thoughts were incorrect, all was well and good unless they ended up turning their attention to him. Aoife's attention may have been something Hook was forever seriously, and jokingly vying for, but the pair of them and their childish antics was something he didn't need to contend with.

Aoife awkwardly shuffled from the desk, Baelfire followed after her. Hook could understand, they were bored, there wasn't exactly a long list of things to do here. He didn't mind Aoife's presence, but Baelfire's could cause problems. Once they had left and shut the door behind them, he walked to the desk. Baelfire had been sitting dangerously close to the drawing of his mother. Putting it in another hiding spot he sat down.

Flinching when there was a yelp he sighed. Smee soon appeared and slammed the door shut. "Ever heard of knocking, Smee?" Hook asked flatly. Standing up he pushed Smee out of the way of the door and opened it. Aoife and Baelfire stood on the other side. "Can you please stop tormenting Smee? I mean, I know he's just there, but I can't deal with hearing him scream every five minutes."

"I don't scream." Smee said pathetically.

Hook rolled his eyes and looked at him dumbly. "It's irritating. Stop it," Aoife and Baelfire exchanged a look before both nodding slowly. Hook frowned, he couldn't believe he out of all people was standing here scolding a grown woman, and a teenage boy. What exactly had happened? Hook moved aside and watched as Smee passed the two, Baelfire gave a small yawn before shuffling off, leaving Aoife stood there looking around confused.

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