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Being suddenly swamped in a hug, Mary Margaret looked around confused. Beside her David merely smiled slowly and crossed his arms loosely. Reaching up, Mary Margaret slowly patted Aoife on the shoulders. "I didn't believe you, you know? When you first came and said all of those things...about rescuing Henry, the talk of stopping Peter, allowing me to leave this place...all of it, I didn't believe you. But you did it. I guess," Aoife took a deep breath. She had just spoken all of that in one breath, which caused the pair to look at her worriedly. "I am trying to say thank you."

Mary Margaret smiled and patted her on the shoulder. "You are so welcome."

"In some regard I guess we owe you thanks too." David said while putting his arm around Mary Margaret's shoulders. Aoife looked confused. "You did help us too, remember?"

"Hm," Aoife nodded slowly and thoughtfully. "I suppose I did." She smiled and swung her arms by her sides. Turning she looked around the bustling deck. She hadn't seen so many on board before, although most of them were children. Edward had joined the group of Lost Boys who were clearly his friends. This gave some peace of mind to her. He wasn't lonely when they had parted ways. He had forged new friendships. Noticing her staring, Edward waved happily, Aoife waved back. The twin boys who were beside Edward waved too. Which caused her to wave again.

"Are you having some sort of waving battle?" Neal asked curiously.

Aoife lowered her arm and looked to him, then to the coconut in his hands. Scrunching her nose up she let out a quiet sigh. "Perhaps," her eyes never left the coconut.

"You look out of sorts, Aoife." He stated, she did seem lost as to what to do, or where to stand or who with.

"I guess I am."

"First time being on board without anything to do?" He moved closer to the masts with full sails blowing.

"No," Aoife admitted while watching him. "I think I'm just trying to process everything, you know?"

Neal looked thoughtful. "You won't be alone," he smiled and nodded backwards. Aoife turned and looked to where he was nodding. "Thanked him yet?"

"Sort of. Not a direct thank you, but...something along those lines."

"From what I have heard, it was him who suggested hunting you out." Neal commented, Aoife frowned lightly and gave a small nod. Stepping back she turned on her heels, Neal rolled his eyes and grinned at her running towards the wheel.

Much like Mary Margaret's reaction, Hook too soon found himself with a pair of arms flung around him. Stepping backwards from the impact he looked around. Everyone else was too busy greeting each other and enjoying the reunion. "All right, love," he patted her on the back. Aoife nodded against his shoulder and didn't move. "Is this my thank you?" She nodded again. "It's quite nice," Hook mused and awkwardly let out a sigh when Aoife's grip around his neck tightened. "I can't breathe."

She let go of him and stepped back. Letting out a levelled sigh, she put her hands together and looked at him. "I owe you a proper, verbal thank you, Captain." She inclined her head.

"It's a little late," Hook started. "Our agreement."

"Better late than never." Aoife winked.

"More the late than the never, hm?"

"Exactly!" She beamed.

"Sorry it took so long." He said, his voice genuine. He didn't think this day would come, but here she was again, on board his ship and ready to leave Neverland, for good.

"It's fine, really, well...I guess it's fine-"

"You're picking holes," Hook commented cutting her sentence off.

Aoife smiled up at him. "Thank you, again, for finally holding up to your promise."

"Perhaps it'd be better to thank me when we're actually out of here." Hook commented while reaching out to hold onto the wheel.

"But this is the first part over with."

"Yes, but now it's the difficult part, getting out of Neverland." Hook looked down as she leaned against the wooden railing beside the wheel. "Will you miss it?"

"Yes," she looked up at him. Pushing her hair over her shoulders she nodded. "I know Neverland's ways, I know how it works. I don't know anything about this new world, or how it works, that is very...daunting."

"Well," Hook smiled. "I know how Storybrooke works, I find that it is a curious and odd place for newcomers. I would be more than happy to show you around."

Aoife smiled and leaned her chin against her hands. Looking up at him, her smile grew. "Oh, I bet you would be more than happy, Killian."

Looking puzzled he shrugged. "What are friends for?"

Aoife let out a mock shocked gasp. "The first time you register us as friends, I'm shocked."

He nodded slowly and looked at her. "We are friends." He said though his serious expression dwindled, he leaned slowly beside her. "Although," reaching up he managed to twirl one of her ribboned curls in his fingers. "There's possible growth from just being friends."

Aoife looked at him, shaking her head slowly she leaned her head eventually against his shoulder. "You can't help yourself."

"What can I say? I am a man of dedicated predictability." Hook said while watching as the reunions on deck were beginning to draw to a stop. Aoife tilted her head up and looked at him, then back to the deck. This was a moment which was going to be ingrained into her memory, the calm before leaving, everyone content and happy to be together; not that they were going to part ways again. No, Aoife got the feeling that everyone here, were now going to be a huge part of her life from now on.


(Edited: 25/August/2020)

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