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"I know."

"No, really, I'm not one for calling you names, but you're an idiot." Tink looked to Aoife, who sat shoulders slumped looking most unhappy. She was getting scolded more and more often, never before had she ever felt like a naughty child, least of all here ironically enough. But Tink was looking at her with narrowed eyes, she wasn't happy about Aoife being here with everyone else. She felt betrayed, hugely betrayed. But Aoife seemed genuinely very sorry and apologetic about this happening. Tink got the feeling she was roped along, but that didn't help.

"Come on, you and me, new life out of here...it's a good offer." Aoife piped up, Tink rolled her eyes at her. "Isn't it?" Aoife couldn't imagine a new life away from Neverland without her friend. Her only real friend. How could Tink overlook this, or deny it even? All she had to do was help, like Aoife tried to do, and they'd manage to get out. At last, out of Neverland was something both had spoken about, what they would do, where they would go...it could actually happen. Yet Tink was too busy still glaring at her, so Aoife pouted and slumped her shoulders some more.

"I'm not calling you an idiot for tagging along for this reason. I'm calling you an idiot because of him." At this the two of them looked over to Hook, he turned and looked at them. He did put on his best ignorant expression, though his eyes lit up being the centre of attention and well, he could hear them. He knew what was happening, not that he was expecting Tink to be acceptant and not let Aoife off easily.

"Can I help you ladies?"

Aoife opened her mouth to reply, only to have Tink beat her to it. "No, no we're fine." She narrowed her eyes at Aoife, who just mumbled something and slouched against the log behind her.

"If we're to talk idiocy." Aoife countered. "Nice job with your revenge." Two could play this game, she wasn't going to just sit here anymore and take this, whatever it was. Tink had failed, miserably, and she was clearly feeling hacked off for it and was taking that out on Aoife. She didn't want to be a verbal punchbag.

"Hey," Tink shot back. Aoife just smirked, "Fine, you have me there."

"We're both idiots." Aoife said, with a shrug. There was only one thing for it, and that was it. In some ways they had both screwed up, they were both idiots, and now here they were.

"Can you not sound proud of that?"

"I could try."

"It's a little late for that." Tink stood and walked off to find more firewood.

"Found this," Hook said, Aoife jumped at the sound of his voice and looked up. "If I remember rightly, you were always a good shot." He paused to sit down on the log she was leaning against. "Makes me wonder why you abandoned it."

"Because swords do more damage, and they're shiny." Aoife's reply was almost childlike though as she shrugged and kicked her legs out in front of herself.

"I suppose those are good reasons." Hook nodded thoughtfully, he could remember her trying to sword fight back on board the Jolly Roger. She'd perhaps lose more times than win, but it was experience and from what he saw from their last skirmish, she had grown increasingly deadly.

"Hand it over then." Aoife rolled her hand up at him. She coiled her fingers slowly around the wood. Placing the bow in her lap she looked it over. "It broke when I fell down that ravine, you know? I had to repair it, it was never the same after that. I didn't abandon it straight away, I just opted for a better weapon."

"Weapons." Hook corrected, she looked over her shoulder. "Just saying, plural, you have two swords not one."

"What are you, the grammar authorities?" Aoife scrunched her nose up. Thinking that was utterly ridiculous. Was it so weird for her to have more than one weapon? She didn't think so.

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