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"What are you two up to?" Tink had been minding her own business until she looked down from the tree she was sitting in and saw Aoife and Hook shuffle past.

"We're looking for someone." Aoife looked up as they pulled to a stop. She looked a bit surprised by her friend being here and close to a camp. She skirted about, but for the most part was left to her own devices too.



"Don't know him." Tink said casually while leaning back in the tree. That wasn't a surprised, Hook and Aoife exchanged a blank look, why would Tink know Smee? They hadn't crossed paths with each other, in fact, this was perhaps the first real time Hook was seeing the former fairy in person.

"We wouldn't expect you to. I mean, you've never visited so you wouldn't have the pleasure of meeting Smee." Hook commented obviously, he couldn't help it. Tink rolled her eyes and ignored him. He wasn't sure if that was her usual demeanour, or she wasn't a people person, or she just didn't like him and pirates. Hook wasn't sure, but being blanked just caused him to frown upwards at her.

"Short, red hat, shuffles along like he's in a daze? You would know him if you saw him." Aoife said trying to get Tink's attention again. She didn't know what had caused her friend to be so blank, but it unsettled her a little.

"A bumbling man went in that direction. He looked startled, lost even, I don't know what he was up to. I didn't want to ask." Tink sighed and waved a hand casually in the direction Hook and Aoife were walking in. They were at least pleased they were still on Smee's trail, but also, they were both surprised he had got this far. Tink's nonchalance however did not help them in the slightest and they both thought it best to leave the fairy be and continue trying to find the missing pirate.

Hook and Aoife looked at each other then back up at her. "Thank you." Aoife smiled and got helped to shuffle off. Hook just readjusted his hold on her arm and hoisted her more against himself as they turned to walk off. Aoife mumbled painfully under her breath yet ignored the pulling of her muscles to step one foot after another. She wasn't going to give up, they were going to find Smee. Pain or not.

"Someone's in a cheery mood." Hook said quietly. They weren't that far away from Tink so chances are if his voice was any louder she would have heard him.

Aoife thoughtfully bit on her bottom lip. "Something is up with her. She's not always so blunt." Shaking her head she looked up at him. "Whatever is up with her isn't our business. It would be mine as a friend, but we rarely really see each other." Which was a sad truth, her and Tink were friends, but they lived in different parts of Neverland; there was never a set routine of seeing each other, they just did so whenever they wished to. A rough trail appeared before them, it wound slowly through the trees and vines. After walking for a few more moments an abandoned camp site appeared. There was the last signs of inhabitants, a stone circle with charcoaled wood sat in the centre. Scattered patchy material which could fashion tents or hammocks laid dully on the floor covered in leaves and other forest things. Pulling Aoife's arm from around his shoulder, Hook made sure she was stable before walking forwards. She shuffled slowly around the camp too, trying to find the missing pirate. Crouching awkwardly down she put her hand on the ground. "He's been through here."

"We've missed him again?"

"No, no I don't think so." Aoife stood and looked up slowly. Reaching to the side she placed her hands on a nearby tree. Pushing branches out of the way she slowly pulled out a rope. It was dirty and covered in moss, giving it a steady tug they both looked up when there was a yelp.

Hook tilted his head to the side. "What is that?"

"I guess it would be called a security measure." Aoife tugged the rope more out from its hiding place. Following the line of it they walked around the tree. Hanging from a sturdy branch as a cage. It was made out of wood and tied together with more rope.

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