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"I can't understand anything you just said. Don't you know it's rude to speak with your mouth full?" Regina shot a look to Aoife, she was humbly eating one of the pieces of fruit she had picked. She was saying something to Regina, but she was trying to eat at the same time. Clearly the lack of manners here irritated Regina.

"I said this is a bad idea! You shouldn't go against Peter, things won't end well." Aoife said exceedingly worried. Regina scoffed at her and continued to use her magic on the map. She had not so long ago snatched it from Emma, who had still failed to unlock it. The map had begun to levitate in the air, and the group trailed after it slowly.

Aoife put her hands on her cheeks, not even trying to hide how much she disagreed, or was unnerved by this. "I agree," she looked up to Hook. He was naturally nearby, his expression tense too. He couldn't foresee this having any good affect, sometimes the best actions could come off in another way.

"Are they oblivious?" She whispered so only he could hear.


Aoife whined and hung her head. "Why are they so adamant to ignore us? I mean, I understand the want to find Henry, but going against Peter...so not good." Hook shrugged as they followed the map through the Dark Jungle. The map led them into a deep clearing, and standing with their back to them was a boy.

"Henry!" Emma called out, only her happiness dwindled and disappeared when the boy turned and it was Peter standing in Henry's clothes.

"I really did expect better from you," he said while looking down at Emma from his perch above them. He nodded his head, Lost Boys moved in and circled around the group.

"Don't let their arrows touch you. They're laced with dreamshade." Hook explained, this time everyone listened to him.

Aoife reached behind herself and drew out her sword, the other stayed sheathed. As quickly as they appeared, the fight started even quicker. Hook immediately got pulled into a duel with Felix, Mary Margaret fired arrows, and Emma and David along with Aoife fought with their swords. Hearing a high pitched whistle, the Lost Boys retreated back to Peter's side.

"The map will show you the path once you stop denying who you are." Peter reaffirmed while looking at Emma, before anyone could retort he'd turned on his heels and disappeared into the thick tree line with his gang.


North, there was nothing good at the north of Neverland, yet that was where Peter's apparent camp site was. A few moments after the fight with the Lost Boys, Emma was able to unlock the map. Of course no one wasted time in springing to action and travelling towards it.

Wasn't until they were drawing closer that the cross on the map moved. "What the hell?"

"He's moved." Hook says as calmly as he could. It was irritating to be taunted at. But he wasn't surprised by Peter's actions really. Aoife let out a relieved sigh, she honestly hated the north, she was glad to be back tracking.

"Do you think Peter is stupid? You use magic and he'll know." Aoife said when Regina had suggested using magic to transport them there. It was a ridiculous idea. There was nothing good about it. As much as it was irritating, the hard way was the only way to get there.

"She's right, Pan will likely have shields to detect magic. If you attempt to use magic, it will no doubt result in our death."

"What do you suggest then?" Regina asked Hook, not wasting time to question him once he had finished speaking.

"There's another on this island that Pan trusts." Hook explained. "A fairy, if we can find her, she can be used as a good source of information about the camp, she may even be able to get us in with pixie dust."

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