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"What an interesting thing." Was all anyone heard before something disappeared. Aoife had now been on board for about a week. In that week numerous little things had gone missing. Small daggers which some crew had placed down to be sharpened had suddenly got spirited away. Pieces of rope had disappeared from below deck. Oddly enough pieces of cutlery had gone too. Smee's hat had disappeared numerous times, but because the fuss he made it got given back. Well, it appeared on the deck, it didn't personally get given back to him. To top it off papers, maps and Hook's telescope had been taken too. This personally to him was the last straw. He could deal with the odd little things, but no one spirits his possessions away.

"Captain you have to do something. I like Miss Aoife, but I didn't know she was a thief." One crew member had stated, a few of them – Smee included – had burst into his cabin at one point to confront him. Strangely – and possibly ironically – enough the only person Aoife seemed to listen to was their Captain.

"What could she possibly want with rope, cutlery and a telescope?" Someone else commented.

"Don't forget the maps," someone else voiced.

"What is she doing? Eating rope while looking at the maps through the telescope?" Smee asked utterly confused.

"No, Smee, because that'd be stupid." Hook said sternly thus cutting everyone's chatter off. "It is more than clear that she has been bombarded by objects which interest her. Much like a magpie with shiny things, she has built up a collection somewhere. However, unlike a magpie, her collection isn't obvious to spot. But no matter, we'll find her." He said while standing from his desk, looking at his crew he frowned. "Well? What are you all waiting for?" At this they all hurried off to try and find Aoife.

He hadn't ever known something like this. He'd never known someone to fit so well into a ship that they could move around it as if they were a ghost. When inviting Aoife to stay for her safety's sake, Hook had no idea that this would happen. Although truthfully to begin with it was quite funny. Then it got to a point where it was no longer funny, and it was just plain annoying. Her curious nature was slowly getting out of control.

Walking down the deck he looked around, most of the crew had decided to start the hunt from below and work up. He on the other hand had other ideas. "You can come out now."

Aoife's face peeked over from the crow's nest. "How'd you know I was up here?"

"You seem like the type that when things go bad, you'd go up." Hook stated, narrowing his eyes slightly to focus on her coy expression and hesitant smile. "Safe up there?"

"Yes. But I'm cold."

"Should have spirited away a blanket too."

"Well I do have old canvas up here, but it's pretty useless." Aoife commented while disappearing. She reappeared again. "You may want to stand back." Hook did as she said just as coils of rope fell from the sky. The heavy rope thudded loudly against the deck. Stepping back again he narrowly avoided a knife and fork, then the small daggers. Looking up just as she was climbing down, she smiled.

Holding out his hand he frowned. "Hand them over." Her innocent disposition went. Reaching underneath her cloak she pulled out the maps and telescope. "Don't take without asking."

"That's a bit hypocritical, is it not?" She asked while trotting after him.

Frowning he looked over at her, she did have a point. "Don't take my stuff without asking, better?"

"Please may I have the telescope?"


"No reason, must there be a reason?"

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