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"Hey," Neal said while catching Emma's attention. She turned slowly and looked at him. Thinking they were stopping for a reason, Hook and Aoife stopped walking too. "Sorry," Neal said, Emma shifted her weight from one leg to the other and looked at him seriously. "About what happened back in Dark Hollow." He continued on although he didn't really need to state this.

"Thanks," Emma said slowly. "You and Hook almost cost us our chance at getting the Shadow." Pausing she sighed and frowned lightly. "All because you were fighting over a lighter."

"We weren't fighting over a lighter, we were fighting over you." Hook said while glancing at Neal quickly.

Emma just shot him a look showing she knew the obvious. "We can't be doing this." Looking to the ground she looked up. "Fine, to settle this, if I were to choose anyone, it'd be Henry, he's the only love that there is room for in my life." With that said she turned and started walking away.

"Come on, Tink's tree house is close." Aoife said while moving away from the two males. They both stood silent for a few moments before following after her.

Before they even stepped out from the foliage into the clearing which surrounded Tink's tree house, they could already hear her voice. She didn't sound particularly happy to see them all again so soon. "I'm not helping you until there's some sort of proof that Pan's shadow has been captured."

As if on cue, Neal stepped forwards with coconut in hand. It had by now got several pieces of string wrapped tightly around it to prevent the two sections parting ways. "I present to you, Pan's shadow." Neal said while handling the coconut carefully.

Tink turned and eyed him suspiciously. "Baelfire?"

"Yes, although I go by Neal now." He answered while smiling at her.

Tink gave a slow nod and looked them over. "Sure, I'll help." She said as simply as anything.


The walk to Peter's camp was rather silent. Hook looked at Aoife oddly, she was walking beside him twiddling her thumbs, there was a troubled expression on her face. Looking up again he looked to her. Having enough of her puzzled expression, he sighed. "What's wrong?" He asked eventually.

Aoife looked up at him and sheepishly smiled. "I'm thinking."

"Hm," he smiled and shook his head. "Be careful, I hear that can hurt."

"Hah, you're hilarious!" Aoife said rather sarcastically.

"Do I want to know?"

"Perhaps not. They're not pleasant thoughts."

"If talking about your thoughts will stop you looking so miserable, I think you should speak up." Hook said, Aoife looked up at him slowly. "That and I don't suppose we'll get to Pan's camp yet. Need something to pass the time."

Aoife's expression fell. "So you're using my thoughts as a time waster?"

"I didn't mean it like that."

"Whatever." Aoife muttered and looked to the side at the trees they were passing. "We're nearing the end, right?"

"Withholding and keeping restraint on optimism, I'm going to simply say yes. Why?"

Looking around, Aoife made sure no one else was near by. "I'm scared."

Hook raised an eyebrow. He hadn't ever known her to openly admit to something. "Why?" He asked seriously. "Are you fearful of the possible fight?"

"No, no, not that." Aoife frowned and looked at the ground.

"Then what?"

Sighing, Aoife shrugged and put her hands in her pockets. Looking forwards she let out a quiet unhappy noise. "Do you recall what I told you about what I remembered before Neverland?"

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