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I ship Yip and Leona

Now, hear me out.

When I first saw them talk and communicate I was like:

Possible ship

And don't say Leona's to young, it's only a two years difference, he's seventeen she's fifteen (I think now)

But then I was reading one shots from PhoenixDropped and I read Yip and Leaned and HOLY COW DO I SHIP IT

so, looks like there's now three main OTPs in my one shot book.

Oh, and if anyone's wondering, I'm gonna let it go for a couple months because some artists wanted more time, so I'm allowing it for awhile.

And it's MCD one shots, mostly Garrmau, Travlyn, and apparently Yip and Leona, but don't feel pressured if you've already made a cover and didn't include the ships. I'm cool with whatever.

Oh! Speaking of covers, someone else sent in a few covers for this book. And I just picked this cover, so I didn't wanna change it. But here's my favorite out of the three.

Me being the lame potatoes I am, forgot the artists name

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Me being the lame potatoes I am, forgot the artists name....again....



Anyways! Just know a super awesome devil made it!

I love you all, I'm going to sleep now. Byeeee.

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