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Thanks _Malio_ for giving me a distraction from my responsibilities of writing.

I really needed an excuse.

SO here I go;

1. Home screen/lock screen

So I only have one device that I actually use, and it only allows me to have oe background, so I can't change the lock screen without changing the home screen to the same thing. I know, it's lame.

But! I have THE BEST lock screen EVER.

It's slenderman, yes I'm obsessed with Creepypasta

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

It's slenderman, yes I'm obsessed with Creepypasta.....I'm not even sorry.

2. Ringtone

It's stupid, it's sounds like a gallop, I dunno how to describe it, and I'm waaaaay too lazy to check right now what the name is. I don't like it, but I needed one that wasn't obnoxiously long or loud.

3. Current anime I'm watching (aka any I haven't finished)

See, I suck at commitment, and finishing what I started, so the list is very long. I've probably forgot some. Now, I do like them all, I just get halfway and then start a new one.

Black Butler

Snow White With The Red Hair

Gurann Lagonn

Soul Eater

Say I love You

Blue Exorcist

I'm still not fully caught up FairyTail

And that's all I could think about from the top of my head. And please don't tell me to watch SAO or AOT, Itried, and I just don't like those two.

4. Device I use for WattPad

My tablet with it's keyboard.

5. Current Battery


(Ha! Mady, I'm a better parent than you XP)

6. Thing I regret doing

Oh boy, that list goes on forever....

I'd have to say I regret attempting suicide three years ago.

7. Zodiac


That's right! I'm a half horse archer!

Maybe that explains my odd interest in arrows...

8. Object(s) of obsession

Hats. I love my hats. And my guitar. Those are my babies.

9. Favourite quote

Well there's a lot of those...here's a few:

"You're only given a little spark of madness, you mustn't lose it" ~Robin Williams

"I love it when someone insults me, that means I don't have to be nice anymore"

"There are devilish thoughts even in the most angelic minds"

"Excuse me I have to go make a scene"

"You are not required to set yourself on fire just to keep other people war"

"I made it through the rest of the day without beating someone with a chair, I'd say my people skills are improving"

"Dear haters, I have so much more for you ot be mad at, just you wait"

"I don't burn bridges, I just loosen the bolts a little each day"

"Sometimes I have to tell myself, it's not worth the jail time"

"What doesn't kill me....had better start running"

I only know who said one of them, so yeah, no clue where the others are actually from.

So now to do da tagging....


i know...that's not a lot, and if you were already tagged, then srry boo boo.

I love you all devils, byeeeeeeeee.

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