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As he grabs my arm I suddenly regain the ability to move my legs. He pulls me to the street and I follow him, still in a daze. We run up to a small, sleek black car and he jumps into the drivers seat.
"Get in."
I hesitate. Why the fuck would I get in, I don't know him. He sighs and gets out for a moment.
"If you don't get into this car, right fucking now, he will catch up to us and he will skin you and wear you like a  fucking coat, not exaggerating."
He gets back in the car and I look back. I don't see him, but it's like I can feel him, a scorching heat that is getting closer and closer.
"Holy fuck."
I get in the car and slam the door close.
"Hold on."
He turns the keys and I barley get my seatbelt on before he goes screeching down the street.
"Holy fucking fuck."
What the fuck is happening?
"Oh my fucking God."
I look over at him and I see him smirking. He's smirking? Is this fucking bitchy ass whore really smirking?
"What the fuck are you laughing at?"
He looks at me and laughs.
"Oh nothing, just the irony of this situation."
This fucking bitch. Irony? What irony? What's ironic about someone trying to kill me? I don't even know who that guy was. I don't even know who this guy is. Holy shit... Who the fuck is this guy?
"Stop the fucking car."
Without missing a beat he presses the breaks and the car comes to a sudden halt. I go lurching forward, and if I wasn't wearing my seatbelt I probably would have smashed throw the window. I get out the car as quickly as I can. When I open the door and crawl out, I become even more confused than I already was.
"What the fuck!"
Sand, sand everywhere. And is that... That's a fucking cactus. We're in the middle of the fucking desert. How? We were just in Boston not 5 minutes ago. I hear a door open and I see the guy, whoever he is, get out.
"Okay I know this is a lot to take in, but whatever you do, don't freak out."
I just stare at him for a moment. Don't freak out? Don't freak out? I fall to the floor and begin to cry. I have no idea what's happening, I have no idea what I'm suppose to do, and this little shit says don't freak out. That doesn't fucking help. He walks towards me and I move away from him, I have to get away from him.
"Someone help me please."
"Now yelling like that won't get you anywhere."
"Somebody. Anybody."
It's no use, I'm in the fucking desert, who's going to hear me? Oh my god, what is happening. I keep on trying to make distance, but then I look back and see that he stopped walking. I stop for a moment, unsure on what to do.
"Okay look here. I'm not the bad guy, I'm not trying to hurt you. That other guy, it's his job to hurt you. We made some distance but the longer we're here out in the open the easier it will be to find you. Now unless you want today to be your last day on this planet, I need you to trust me."
I stare at him, processing his words. There's something familiar about his voice, something comforting. He slowly walks towards me and I stay still, staring at him. As he gets closer I study his features, and there is something familiar about them. Who is he? He walk up to me, kneels next to me, and placed his hand on my cheek.
"You're going to be fine, I promise."
Fine? How? He places his finger on my forehead and drags it around my face to my neck and everything slowly goes to black.
"Sleep, when you wake up you'll feel better."

A Day to remember Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя