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Her eyes open wide. I feel something move inside me, a faint memory of the waters: clear, blue, and beautiful. The memory is interrupted by her shooting up from her seat.
"What! Why the hell would I be here?!"
She looks worried, not panicked, definitely confused. She seems to trust me and probably has no idea why. Of course I know, but I could never tell her.
"Please sit down, I'll explain everything."
She stays standing, crosses her arms, and pouts. Of course she would, just cause I asked her to sit.
"You really should sit down for this."
She gives me an evil look.
"I don't want to shit down nor do I have to. Just tell me what the hell is going on."
Wow, the gall of this chick. She has no idea who I am, she has no idea what I'm capable of, yet she just gets in my face like I'm nothing, I like that.
"If you insist."
I sit down and then she takes a seat. Little shit, just wanted to aggravate me.
"Well for this to make the most sense, I'll have to start from the beginning..."

A Day to remember Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя