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I open my eyes, unsure on how long I've been asleep. Could have been a few minutes, days, or even hours, I have not been able to tell as of late. I decide I should probably get up and do something. I get up and walk around. I go up to the mirror and look at myself with dissatisfaction; I've been wearing the same thing for god knows how long and while I'm use to recycling an outfit three times in a row, it's starting to feel stale and uncomfortable. As I think this I hear a ruffle from the closet behind me. I stare at it, not moving. I checked yesterday, there was. nothing in it, but there seems to be now
"Hello? Anyone there?"
Science. If I've learned anything from scary movies, it's to run the fuck away, but I just woke up and I don't feel like running. Instead I make the dumb decision to go and investigate. I creep slowly towards the closet and I slowly open the door. I was right, it's not empty, but it's not a person hiding in there, it's filled with clothes. Wow, magic makes everything so convenient.
I spend a few... dozen... minutes looking through everything and try out a multitude of outfits. Eventually I find my myself satisfied with a chroma on red sweater and some black leggings. Now comfortable and looking cute af, I look around my room some more. I remember the drawer that was locked and go to check it, still locked. So I can magically get a bundle of clothes that fit me perfectly but I can get a frikin key? Thanks Obama. I begin to get bored but then I also remember the door I noticed before I went to bed, that might be interesting. I go to it and I'm about to open it, but then I hear a voice behind me.
"Well you look cute."
I turn and see Markus standing by the entrance, looking as smug as ever.
"Don't you ever knock?"
"Oh I'm sorry, did the little gumdrop want some privacy? Well sorry love, my house, so I don't have to knock."
And he's back to being a prick. He was literally just so kind to me, now he's being kind of a douche bag. What is with him?
"Well what if I was in the middle of dressing?"
"Well then I wouldn't be complaining."
I'm about to run over there and slap him.
"Well if you aren't too busy being a perv, think you could use your magic to fix my room?"
"What are you talking about?"
"That drawer over there, it locked, I want to know what's in it but I don't have a key."
He stares at me like I'm an idiot and it frustrates me even more.
"The room is magic love, it was created to best fit your personality. Whatever is in that drawer is there cause you wanted it to be, and if it's locked, it's baca use that's what you wanted."
"So basically your magic is as full of bullshit as you are."
He flashes me a smile, but I wouldn't mind punching him in his little perfect teeth.
"Anyway, if you're not going to help me you can leave."
"Oh don't flatter yourself, I didn't come here for shits and giggles. You've been summoned to breakfast."
"What do you mean summoned?"
"I mean you better get your ass put this room and to the dining hall so you don't Pisa off your host who is kind enough to let you stay in her home instead of smiting you to ash."
Him telling me to go just makes me want to ram my fist between his eyes and plop myself on my bed to take another nap. I think about it, but decide she probably could smite me so I just go with it.
"Fine, show me the way."
He walks out the door and I'm rubbing to catch up with him, why can't anyone just wait for me? I walk behind him, following him through the maze. A few hallways and I find myself outside. At what point did I get outside, I'm not really sure. It's really hard to get use to this magic thing, but I've learned to just not question it. We walk down a stone path to a large table where Alex is talking with a woman, I assume it's Salina. Wow, she's really pretty. Well now I feel inadequate. As we walk closer they notice us and stop talking. Salina stands up and sticks her arms out.
"Welcome my lovely."
I thought I hated when Markus called gumdrop, but hearing her call me lovely, I'm reaching cringe levels I thought I never had. She goes around the table and runs towards me, giving me a hug.
"Oh how I missed you."
Oh my god this is so uncomfortable and awkward.
"Ummm excuse me?"
How could she miss me if I've never even met her before?
Eventually, after a long awkward silence, she releases me from her grip and goes to sit down, leaving me unsure on what to do with myself. Markus takes me by the arm and guides me to my seat, pulling my chair out for me.
"Please, take a seat."
He flashes me a smile which causes me to worry me a bit. He knows why I'm here, I don't, and I don't like that. I look over at Alex who is looking around the table, obviously doing his best to avoid looking at me.
"Well, now that we're all here, why don't we get down to business."
All attention is now on Salina, who gets up again and stands up at her seat.
"It's about time to officially introduce myself. I'm Salina, mistress of magic. I am a master of the mystic arts and have yet to find a better. Now, who are you?"
Now all attention is on me and I absolutely hate it.
Introduce myself? Well there are three people in front of me, two of them know who I am, and I'm pretty sure the third one does too.
"I'm Stacy..."
I'm not even able to continue as Salina cuts me off.
"NO! You are Daniel, father of death and master of shadow. You hold the key to the end and retain the greatest knowledge, only to be shared with those who are worthy."
I look at her confused. Is she crazy? Probably.
"Uhhhhh no, I'm Stacy."
"So tell me Stacy, what makes you so special. Why are you deemed worthy when an infinite amount of others were not."
Now I'm confused. Should I be scared? Im not entirely sure. Should I answer, not sure about that either. What would the answer even be? Well now I feel like I don't know anything. Salina is staring at me, semi fly waiting for an answer.
Markus and Alex jerk their heads towards the noise, but Salina doesn't take her gaze of me.



I see the whites of Markus' eyes turn a shade of blue, then I look at Alex and see the opposite happen. The color seems to be draining from his eyes and they turn into a milky color. I look back at Salina and her gaze has not broken. She doesn't seem to notice what's happening around her, that or she just doesn't care, but Alex seems to care.
"Oh no."



Finally Salina looks away from me and she slams the table, sending a shockwave through the entire castle. I close my eyes as I feel the vibrations coursing through my body. When I open them we're all still sitting at the table, but now the table is at the entrance in the first room I was in, and the big doors that closed off the palace from the outside world is not a pile of rubble.
"Who dares to knock down the doors to my home!? I'll cut you down to pieces and throw them across the Pacific!"
Salina stands up and she seems to grow in size, a staff with a sapphire materializing in her hand. At first there is no response, but then there is a horrible laughter. I feel my stomach drop, he's here. Strange shadows slither across the ruins of the entrance, and then they morph into horrible, wolf like creatures. Salina raises her staff and warriors rise from dust. They charge towards the beasts but when they attempt to strike them down, their form towards shadowy just like the wolves, this is no good. Salina is taken aback by the shock of her creations no longer being under her command.
"Poor Salina, her little dirt men powerless against a pooch." More shadows glide inside, in the center of the monsters, and they form into a smiling Logan, sitting on a throne of skulls.
"Hello everyone. I'm here to fuck shit up."

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