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My first thought when I exited the limo; holy shit. A giant White Castle that's as long as the eye can see. Alex said that Isaacs domain was infinite, but this just seems so much bigger. It is somehow able to convey beauty and power in such a simple design, it's just magnificent. My second thought after I got over the initial shock of the palace; how the hell did we get here? It seems to be on an island that stretches several meters around the castle, a few steps out and you'll be swimming in the ocean. How could we have driven here if there is no where to drive. I'm about to ask Alex when I realize that he'll probably give me some complex magicish answer that I won't understand. Alex waits for me as I gather my surroundings, but eventually I come to. He sees this and walks towards two massive doors that make up the grand entrance and I follow closely behind. As we approach the doors they slowly open and I see Markus with 6 other intimidating looking men.
"Welcome friends to my humble abode. Your accommodations are being prepared as we speak."
We all walk inside and the doors close behind us with a deep hiss. Markus looks at Alex and signals his men forward.
"If you would ever be so kind as to follow these fine gentlemen. They will lead you to her majesty who is very eager to speak with you."
Alex looks at the men, then Markus, then me. He seems worried, but he can get over himself.
"Oh don't worry about the little lady, I'll escort her to her quarters."
I don't look him in the eye, but I see his hesitation. Eventually he decides it best to go with the men who surround him and lead him away. My filthy mind drifts to other interpretations of the view, but I doubt they'll be having an orgy... Maybe. I look towards Markus who has his arm out towards me.
"May I?"
He really went from psychotic to polite in no time, it's hard to believe I was afraid for my life not too long ago. I interlock my arm with his and he leads me off with a lavishing smile. The halls of the castle are littered with paintings and treasures, and Markus explains them as we walk by.
"That one was recovered from the Ottomans after they were defeated by the Greeks."
"Oh that one was one of Picasso's lost painting, one of his greatest works in my opinion."
"Oh that one is the fossil of an Elder dragon, the greatest of the species."
Fact mixed with fantasy and I was both astonished and fascinated. He gets into his explanations and let's put smiles and giggles that I find incredibly cute. He's very passionate about this stuff, it's hard to imagine this is the same guy from just a few hours ago. After navigating through the labyrinth of halls we finally reach my room.
"Well here we are. Well if you need anything don't hesitate to ask."
He begins to walk away but I stop him.
He turns around.
"How am I suppose to get around? What if I need to use the bathroom or die thing?"
He smiles and incredibly cute smile.
"Silly gumdrop, I thought you would get it by now. This place is magic. Think about where you want to go, walk through the halls, make a few turns, and you'll be there."
He turns around and ducks through a corner, I chase after him.
"And stop calling me gumdrop."
I turn the same corner, but I don't see him anywhere. This magic thing is kinda bull shit, but I guess I'll have to make due. I turn around and walk back to my room. The door is a combination white and pink, and it seems to be vibrating at the anticipation of my arrival 👀. I swear if this is some princess suite I'm going to start fucking shit up. I open the door and am surprised to find the opposite. The room can be described as monochrome, aka my ascetic. A collection of black, white, and several shades of grey surround the room. If I were to design this it would of looked like a mess, but the way everything is placed, it's just perfect. Maybe magic isn't that bad. I go around the room and look through everything. There are about a dozen different drawers and look through them all. They all seems to be empty, but one of them catches my attention. It's locked. Now I would assume it would be empty like the rest of them, but then why would it be locked. I suppose I could ask Markus about that later. I look at the bed, huge and looks incredibly soft. I feel myself getting tired, and though I apparently took a nap I still wanted to just go to sleep. I go get under the covers and I feel like I'm in heaven. I look around the room once more and I notice something I didn't before, I door. Not the exit, that's on the other side. I wonder what it is, but I'm too comfortable to get up now. I decide to close my eyes and fill myself drift to sleep...

What's wrong?
Do you know?
I know, but you need to figure it out.
I could tell you, but where's the fun in that?
Let's see if you can notice it by story's end.
At least, I hope you do.
I would hate to have to repeat everything a third time.

A Day to remember Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя