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I walked into the dark room, I haven't been here in ages. I brush away the cobwebs in my way, they're everywhere.
"We should really get housekeeping down here."
Isaac doesn't respond to my remark, he just stands, staring. Maybe he didn't hear me. Probably should just keep my mouth shut anyway, he's not one for humor. I walk next to Isaac and begin to examine the object that has peaked his interest. My sword, glowing with the same crimson aura since the day I got it. I haven't used it in a while, haven't needed to, but I can still feel it's power just be standing next to it.
"Sooooo why are we looking at the oversized toothpick?"
Probably shouldn't call it that, it's one of the three most powerful weapons in existence, but I wouldn't really know for sure now would I? Isaac's stare does not break, he does not make a sound. Ever since this girl came along I've been placed in some seriously awkward situations with Isaac. Maybe I could think of it as bonding. Probably isn't. If I ever suggested the idea out loud he would probably throw me in some fiery pit for a week or two. I just sit there, twiddling my thumbs, waiting for him to say something.
"It reacted to her."
Finally some words. But why do they have to be so cryptic?
"Excuse me?"
He takes his sights off the blade and moves it towards me. I feel a chill go down my spine. It's impossible to look him in the eye without worrying that he'll rip yours out.
"The blade reacted to her touch."
I look at him in confusion. He looks back at the sword.
"Okay. But what does that have to do with anything?"
He looks at the sword, and then both the gem in the hilt and his eyes begin to flow blood red.
"She hurt me."
Oh shit. She what?
"What do you mean?"
He is silent. I wait, not taking a breath. Somethings going to happen, and I have to be ready to dodge it. After a few moments he takes the blade off the stand and send a blast of energy right at the wall behind me. I duck just in time but I still feel a few hairs at the back of my neck fry. I keep my head down till his screaming stopped. After he silenced I look up and he seems to be in a daze. I've never seen him like this before: confused.  At least he got all his anger out. I look at the hole he made in the wall. Now we really should get cleanup down here. I'm sure there's a maid somewhere in this place.
"How did they get in?"
I turn back around, processing the question he just asked.
"It seemed the boy she was with knew how to get in. I'm assuming it was the same way as he left, which seemed to be some sort of spell."
Hell yah interesting. Even Salina couldn't get in here, yet some kid could come breaking down doors with some phrases and a wake of his magic wand. I'm starting to wonder if he's even Salina's guy at all, and I'm pretty sure Isaac is thinking the same thing. He walk towards the exit and stops right at the door.
"Get the hounds. We officially have a new player in this little game, and I want him eliminated before Salina can claim him as a pawn."
He walk out and I look around. I see the sword on the floor, he probably dropped it after his little hissy fit. Takes good care of his soul that one. I debate putting it back on its pedestal but I think better of it. I don't want to touch it, not yet. I leave the room and seal up the entrance. I'm coming for you Stacy, and your little boyfriend too.

A Day to remember Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя